WoW Brand New Patch 6.1.4 Is Hitting the PTR

By John Ryan Thu Apr 02 2015 16:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Patch 6.1.2 was officially released on 24th, March, and the next mini Patch 6.1.4 is hitting the PTR now according to the latest wow news. What’s new and highlights in this brand new patch? Here we summarize a brief guide to provide a preview of some of the new features in 6.1.4.

Accordingly we can simply define T.I.N.D.R.Box a useful item to help your followers find true love in game. Let’s see the preview of this new feature in patch 6.1.4.

  1. It is a reward from a level 100 mission (name of the mission has still not been indicated by Blizzard). Once T.I.N.D.R. Box acquired, your followers’ data would show on the Garrison browsing profiles of other followers.

  2. Missions of T.I.N.D.R Box would continue to flood your mission queue only if all the followers have been equipped already.

  3. Your followers would date and do more missions when love is in the air.

In a word, it is an interesting in-game date matching tool.


S.E.L.F.I.E Camera MKII is an upgrade version of S.E.L.F.I.E Camera with which you can tweet selfies on Twitter as before, besides that, now you can share selfies on Snapchat too. You will find the new button ‘Snapchat icon’ when opening up the camera. Moreover, there are also some other additions related to selfies.


As we’ve mentioned the new follower Johnny Awesome and there are other two new ones Zarya BlizzCon Follower and Murky. Additionally a new ‘tool’ called Garrison Headhunter is about to be brought to this new patch. Blizzard defines it as “scour the corners of Azeroth for the brightest talent for your Garrison”. Blizzard will also add three follower contracts to this new patch which are Contracts of Kalu’ak 6.1.4 Follower, Ramkahen 6.1.4 Follower and Kurenai 6.1.4 Follower.


BlizzCon 2015 will be held in southern California in November this year, but now players can take part in World of Warcraft big event party of BlizzCon 2015 in game in Azeroth in the PTR. Wowers can meet new friends, buy cute or expensive things and celebrate together with murlocs.


How players take part in this party?


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