Why I Will Choose the Paladin Class for D2R Ladder Season 5

By Ansley Fri Sep 29 2023 07:02:12 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Diablo 2 Resurrected (D2R) is a remastered version of the classic action role-playing game Diablo 2, which was released in 2000. The game features seven classes, each with their own unique skills and playstyles. One of these classes is the Paladin, a holy warrior who can use auras, combat skills, and defensive skills.

The Paladin class is one of my favorite classes in D2R, and I will choose it for the upcoming Ladder Season 5, which starts on September 28, 2023. Ladder Season 5 is a competitive game mode in which players race to level 99, with an online leaderboard that tracks player progress and experience earned. To participate in the Ladder Season, I must make a new Ladder-only character that starts at Level 1 and work my way up. There are some perks in having a Ladder character, such as access to stronger weapons and armor and additional Runes that I can socket into my weapons.

There are many reasons why I will choose the Paladin class for Ladder Season 5. Here are some of them:

These are some reasons why I will choose the Paladin class for Ladder Season 5. The Paladin class is a great choice for anyone wanting a versatile, powerful, durable, fun, and satisfying gameplay experience in D2R. I look forward to joining the race to level 99 and seeing how far I can go with the Paladin class.