Fan Art Created by Mmogah Stuff for Valentine’s Day Happy Valentine’s Day

By John Ryan Thu Mar 05 2015 16:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


Valentine’s Day is coming! Almost all games have celebrating events, just like “A Valentione’s Day” in FFXIV, “Love Is in The Air” in WOW. Valentine’s Day is the most romantic day for everyone, every player in every game. It is also important to mmogah, we hold the Valentine’s Day celebrating event in order to send our appreciates and love to our loyal customers, you can get more info from the article Valentine’s Day Discount Event at MmoGah Is Hot Going On.

We also hold celebration for workers in mmogah, we are not only workers but also players for everyone. Here is the fan art created by ourselves, though we are not professional painters, it is our love and wishes to games and our dearest customers. In the loved day, everyone in mmogah sends heartfelt wishes to all of you, happy Valentine’s Day!




Thank you for all your support and trust, we are always your good guys in or out of games.