Not available
Level 30 - Unranked - 10000 BE - 20 Capsules - Unverified Email - Instant Delivery - EU West
Available Stock : 0
Minimum Purchase Quantity : 1
Minimum purchase is 100
1 = USD$ 2.55

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Secure Payment

1. Our automated system will send you a username and password of the new account after your purchase. However, for the sake of security, we have an automatic authentication system working. Delivery time may also differ under different circumstances. For those payment methods that don’t need to be verified, you can get the username and password of your new account immediately. But for some payment methods, if we require you to do verification, the delivery time will depend on your speed of completing it. The faster you complete, the shorter delivery time it will be, and vice versa. Thank you for your patience and cooperation. 

2. For safety concerns, timely change the email or/and password after checking your account information (NO Verification Email Previously)

3. IP address has nothing to do with the Server. So whatever the IP is, you could just ignore it. 

4. Due to the account ban wave this year, we’ve made a few adjustments.

For LoL Unranked accounts marked “Safe”, these are the old ones produced last year and are barely involved in the ban wave. Therefore, they cost a bit more than the Smurf accounts that are not marked with “Safe”. If, in rare cases, they got banned, plz inform us and we’ll send you a similar account for compensation.

For LoL Unranked accounts not marked with “Safe”, we decided not to make any compensations. Accordingly, these accounts are cheaper. If the situation gets better the next year, we will keep to the “Lifetime Guarantee” policy.