Elden Ring Rune Arc Farming Guide

By Shirley Huang Tue Apr 12 2022 16:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Throughout the journey in Elden Ring, players have to level up their characters and strengthen their gear or weapons to defeat each tough boss. Defeating the six main bosses will reward you with Elden Ring Runes and Great Runes. These special items in Elden Ring require Rune Arcs to be bound to them, awarding players HP, FP, and Stamina. MmoGah, as a trustworthy Elden Ring Goods seller, will share with you the details of Rune Arcs.


What Is Rune Arc?

Rune Arc is a special consumable and used to activate the effects of the equipped Great Rune. Rune Arc and Great Rune can be used to defeat bosses and standard enemies, but the former provides a massive buff to the player to take down any challenge. If you die, you will lose your Great Rune ability, requiring you to use another Rune Arc to get it back.


How to Use Rune Arc?

To use the Rune Arc in Elden Ring, open up your inventory and find it among your flasks under the tools tab. Select and use a Rune Arc to gain the effect of your Great Rune.

You can also add Rune Arc to your equipment bar, or hotkey it to your pouch. I recommend using Rune Arc right before boss fights, but only after you've tried a handful of times. When you are still learning the boss's moves, you wouldn't want to waste one. 

How to Farm Rune Arcs?

Rune Arcs are fairly rare. There are many ways to farm Rune Arcs and build up a healthy supply.

By Cooperating with Other Players

The most straightforward method is being summoned to other worlds to help with boss battles. When a boss is defeated, all helpers will receive a Rune Arc. This method also grants plenty of Elden Runes with every victory.

By Killing Enemies - Rats

You can keep coming back to this location, Ailing village, and looting as many Rune Arcs as you like. It's an early area, so you can go there at any level. Travel to the Ailing Village Site of Grace and head south towards Callu Baptismal Church. You need to look for rats because rats have a chance of dropping Rune Arcs. There are four normal rats and one Giant Rat, try to kill them all, and then get Rune Arcs.

By Crafting Silver-Pickled Fowl Foot

To boost your chances of getting a Rune Arc, use a Silver-Pickled Fowl Foot to make it, so you'll get a Rune Arc every time.

You should get the Missionary's Cookbook [3] first. It is found in Smoldering Church which is in Caelid. Head to the Site of Grace and loot the body next to it for the Cookbook. Now you can unlock the ability to make Silver-Pickled Fowl Feet, which needs three items: Rowa Fruit (3), Four-Toed Fowl Foot (1), and Silver Firefly (1).

The Rowa Fruit and Silver Firefly are easy to find. They're everywhere, like Rowa Fruits are everywhere on the ground, and you can find Silver Firefly in lakes, but for the Four-Toed Fowl Foot, you might have trouble with it.

Church of Dragon Communion is my favorite place to farm it. Do one loop of the island, kill the smaller birds who sit on the rocks and you'll get around five Four-Toed Fowl Feet per loop. With those Feet, you can craft the Silver-Pickled Fowl Feet. Remember that each time you sit at the Site of Grace, the foot’s effect wears off, so you have to use a foot every time. That's a great way to farm Rune Arcs in Elden Ring.


Purchasing Rune Arcs from the Vendors

If you haven't acquired enough Rune Arcs, you can purchase Runes Arcs in limited numbers from vendors at these 4 locations:

Bellum Church

Hermit Merchant's Shack

Table of Lost Grace

Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum 

Buying Rune Arcs from a Reliable Site

The easiest way to get your hands on Elden Ring Items is to buy Elden Ring Boost (Special Goods: Rune Arc) from a professional and reliable site like MMOGAH.

Some of the content is quoted from this video:

If you need any guides in the game, please check our latest Elden Ring guides. Enjoy your game.