Delivery Time : 2 hour(s)
Available Stock : 50 000
Minimum Purchase Quantity : 1 000
Minimum purchase is 100
1 = USD$ 0.024
USD$ 23.90 BUY NOW

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Faster than anyone!

My Time Zone is Cuiabá - MT (UTC-4),if i don't reply is because i'm sleep from 22pm to 7am, but as soon as i get up i'll check my mails and deliver your gold.

Security: Never give your gold back to anyone in game after you get it, No matter what they say.

Time: Less than 20min!! Most of the time, immediately!

Delivery Methods: Through the guild bank / Face-to-face trade / Mail

Don't forget to send me your PSN

Note: In case of any delays in your order, please be patient! We always compensate our delayed orders so your time is valuable for us

Important: Do not write anything related to the deal in the game, all questions are discussed only through Website.

BTW: If you choose Guild Bank delivery method, I'll invite you to my guild and you'll have to go to the guild bank and take the gold from it! Make sure you have an open slot for the guild invite

If you don't want to use this method, I can make the delivery by f2f trade or mail but remember, guild bank is the safest method to make deliveries