Diablo IV
Surprise Room
Available Stock : 100 000 000
Minimum Purchase Quantity : 50 000 000
Minimum purchase is 100
1 = USD$ 2.0E-7

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Secure Payment

1. We will send Diablo IV Gold to you face-to-face. Please provide BattleTag and Character Name so we can add friends.
2. We will invite you to a team when our friend request is accepted. Please accept the team’s invitation for our face-to-face trade.
3. You need to accept our trade invitation, then we can put the Diablo 4 Gold you bought in the trading window.

You can give us a random Diablo IV item of little value for account security. And you can enable invite notifications for you not missing our invitation. Please note that only the item in your inventory can be traded, so do not give us the item that is in your stash.