News & Guides

Elden Ring Legacy Dungeons Ranked Guide

By Bosbone2023-02-15

Elden Ring's Legacy Dungeons are a series of challenging and thrilling areas that offer players a test of their skills and determination, or so to say, they will test you but also reward you.


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With every twist and turn, players will be pushed to their limits and beyond as they navigate their way through the trials and tribulations of Elden Ring dungeons. From the depths of danger to the heights of triumph, every Legacy Dungeon holds a unique experience that is not to be missed.


In this article, we'll be sorting the Legacy dungeons of Elden Ring by difficulty, providing guidance on how to access them, and sharing the recommended levels for tackling each one. So, let's start with the toughest.


1. Miquella's Haligtree


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Miquella's Haligtree is a breathtakingly beautiful area in the game, with a visual appeal that could place it at the top of any aesthetic list. Despite the unfortunate fact that many of the enemies in this area are recycled from other parts of the game, it still shines as a bonus level.


The verticality of Haligtree is a standout feature, as players descend through branches and tree forts, constantly on the move downwards, with each moment offering a more stunning view than the last.


Although some other areas in the game may have more to offer, Haligtree's stunning visual appeal ensures that it will be a lasting memory for all who journey through it.


Recommended Level

For an optimal experience in Haligtree, it is advised to be at a level of around 120 to 150. But don't worry, and you can easily level up with runes in Elden Ring. A higher level is always advantageous, and also your Vigor stat should be high. If you are not sure why Vigor is important, here you can find a complete stat guide


Vigor is not only crucial for facing the regular enemies here, but it's also a must-have for taking on the final boss of the Haligtree.


How to Get There

Since this location is tricky to reach, here is a complete guide on how to get to Miquella's Haligtree.


2. Crumbling Farum Azula


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The Crumbling Farum Azula in Elden Ring is the ultimate test for players seeking to become an Elden Lord. As the final Legacy Dungeon in the journey, this endgame area is not for those who lack bravery and determination.


Players must utilize all they have learned throughout the lower and mid-levels and bring their A-game to tackle all the challenges. Dragonlord Placidusax, also known as the Farum Azula dragon, is just one of the obstacles in this crumbling gauntlet that players must overcome.


With grueling difficulty spikes, completing the Crumbling Farum Azula is no easy feat, but you have to do it if you want to come closer to the final boss.


Recommended Level

According to the Elden Ring community, the ideal level range for visiting the Crumbling Farum Azula is around 120. However, skilled players may be able to handle it at lower levels, especially if they purchase some special Elden Ring items.


How to Get There

Accessing Crumbling Farum Azula is a pivotal step in Elden Ring's story and can be achieved in two ways - via the Four Belfries or through the Mountaintops of Giants. The journey to reach this location is an inevitable part of the game's progression, and there are several crucial moments where players must achieve a common goal to advance. Defeating the Fire Giant is one such unavoidable challenge.


Once the Fire Giant is defeated, players will be able to ignite the Flame of Ruin and burn the Erdtree, which will transport them to Crumbling Farum Azula.


3. Stormveil Castle

Stormveil Castle may have slipped under your radar during your first playthrough, but upon further exploration, you'll quickly realize just how much you underrated it. This dark castle may seem like nothing new in the Soul's universe, but it is a treasure trove of dense exploration and thrilling battles.


The knights here are expertly animated, presenting a challenge that can only be bested with precision and care. As you traverse the rooftops, you will be rewarded with breathtaking views of all the spaces you have conquered and numerous rewards for exploration, including the Claw Talisman, which is such an underrated Talisman.


Recommended Level

A recommended level of 30 to 40 is advised for this area, along with a weapon level of +3 to +4. Venturing into Stormveil Castle may prove to be a challenge, but the rewards for those who succeed are well worth it.


How to Get There

To reach the castle, you can either take the east road and face some Godrick soldiers and a Stonedigger Troll or take a longer route with Torrent.


To enter the main castle gate, you must bypass the heavily fortified soldiers and destroy a ballista at the tunnel entrance. The final challenge before entering the castle proper is defeating the boss Margit, the Fell Omen.


4. Volcano Manor


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The Volcano Manor in Elden Ring is a Legacy Dungeon that is often overlooked, but exploring its many twists and turns is a rewarding experience. The well-designed dungeon is filled with fake barriers and branching paths, leading to the uncovering of its biggest secrets.


The dungeon section of the Volcano Manor is one of the most fun and frantic areas in the game, and it's like a Dark Souls 2 area but done right. Surrounded by lava and filled with dangerous enemies, players will face two exciting boss fights against the Godskin Noble and Rykard, the Lord of Blasphemy. You shouldn't miss that!


Recommended Level

Venturing into the dangerous terrain of Volcano Manor and Mt. Gelmir requires skill and preparation. Though some daring players may be able to tackle this area at around level 50, it's highly recommended to reach level 60-80 before attempting to take on these formidable dungeons if you are a beginner.


How to Get There

To reach Volcano Manor, the most convenient way is to complete Rya's quest. She can be found in Liurnia of the Lakes, ahead of the Layskar ruins. Engage in her quest by speaking with her and retrieving her stolen necklace from the thief at Boilprawn Shack in exchange for 1000 runes.


Upon returning the necklace to Rya, players will encounter her again at the Grand lift of Dectus on the Altus Plateau. Talking with her here will teleport players straight to Volcano Manor in Elden Ring.


5. Leyndell, Royal Capital

Maybe not the most challenging, but the prettiest. This city is revered as the epitome of excellence, deemed the best area in the series. From the moment you see the city framed in its golden glory, you know you're in for a treat.


Every corner holds its own unique delight, with a level of attention paid to making it feel distinct from anything you've seen before.


The city serves as a hub for multiple connecting areas, from the sewers to the endgame to Altus Plateau. The enemies are iconic and challenging yet perfectly balanced.


How to Get There

To access Leyndell, you'll need two Great Runes obtained by killing Godrick and Rennala (at the Academy of Raya Lucaria) and activating the Great Rune of Godrick in Limgrave Tower Bridge. Keep in mind that Leyndell's main entrance will be closed, so you must take a back-door entrance by defeating the Draconic Tree Sentinel, which unblocks the door.


Recommended Level

Leyndell, Royal Capital, can be a challenging destination sometimes, but mostly it's not. It's recommended to reach at least level 80 first. Furthermore, a weapon level of +20 to +25 is also advised, as this will ensure that players are equipped with the necessary power and durability to handle some tough battles.


6. Raya Lucaria Academy

Raya Lucaria Academy in Elden Ring is the least challenging legacy dungeon in Elden Ring. But with its intricate architecture, including the soaring waterwheel elevator, it provides a stunning example of vertical complexity that leads to many hidden chambers and shortcuts.


Still, Raya Lucaria isn't exactly a favorite among players, with some finding it rather unremarkable and bland. The dungeon primarily consists of outdoor spaces, which can be a letdown compared to the winding halls and classrooms that players may have expected.

Despite its flaws, players tend to view Raya Lucaria as a decent dungeon but not one of the game's standout locations.


Recommended Level

To truly thrive in this region, it's recommended that players reach a level between 50 and 60. The enemies in this area can be challenging for beginners, so having a weapon that's been upgraded to at least +4 or +5 is highly recommended for the best chance of success.


How to Get There

To enter Raya Lucaria Academy, you need to find the Academy Glintstone Key. The map with the key's coordinates is on a body near the main gate, which is the only entrance.


The key is guarded by the Glintstone Dragon Smarag on an island west of the academy but can be obtained from a sorcerer's corpse without fighting the dragon. Return to the gate and use the key to pass through the barrier.

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