
Publié 9Rejoint par - Where To Get Smithing Stones in Elden RingSmithing Stones are the most important item in Elden ring, used to upgrade weapons and make your character more powerful. You can get greater damage and increase your attributes by upgrading your weapon.In this guide, we will explain where to find both Regular stones and Somber stones. We will also explain how to buy those smithing stones in Elden ring, so that you can upgrade your weapon easily.Par Dean
- How Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder System Works:Runewords,Resets&Cube RecipesAfter a long time of waiting, the Diablo 2 Ladder is finally coming soon. Blizzard confirmed it would release on April 28, 2022. Many players are prepared to join the Diablo 2 Ladder. Before this, We will explain everything you need to know before starting.Par Dean
- How To Farm Runes Fast in Elden RingElden Ring is an action-adventure RPG game and has been released for weeks. One of the most important things in the game is the game currency-Elden Ring Runes. Players can use the Runes to level up their character and get stats through it. Also, they can use the Runes to upgrade weapons, buy gears, and other important items from NPC. This guide will list a few ways to get Elden Ring Runes easier.Par Dean
- How to Increase Item Level in Lost ArkLost Ark has been launched for many days, and many players been reached level 50. There is a lot of game content waiting for you to explore after level 50. Such as Chaos Dungeon, Guardians Raids, Abyssal Dungeons, Island, and so on, and many of the end game content require item level to access. In this article, MmoGah will explain how to increase the item level in Lost Ark.Par Dean