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Class Level Boost Package
EDT: 2 days
Lv 50-60 Class Power Leveling1. Everything that drops stays on your account (Gold,equipment obtained etc.) 2. We will complete your order from your current level to selected Level 3. It may take more or less time as we described (depending on selected levels, character's class, world pvp activity, server population and other factors)
EDT: 2 days
Lv 1-60 Class Power Leveling1. Everything that drops stays on your account (Gold,equipment obtained etc.) 2. We will complete your order from your current level to selected Level 3. It may take more or less time as we described (depending on selected levels, character's class, world pvp activity, server population and other factors)
EDT: 8 days 11.7 hours
Lv 1-50 Class Power Leveling1. Everything that drops stays on your account (Gold,equipment obtained etc.) 2. We will complete your order from your current level to selected Level 3. It may take more or less time as we described (depending on selected levels, character's class, world pvp activity, server population and other factors)
EDT: 6 days 11.7 hours
Lv 1-40 Class Power Leveling1. Everything that drops stays on your account (Gold,equipment obtained etc.) 2. We will complete your order from your current level to selected Level 3. It may take more or less time as we described (depending on selected levels, character's class, world pvp activity, server population and other factors)
EDT: 5 days 5.7 hours
Lv 1-30 Class Power Leveling1. Everything that drops stays on your account (Gold,equipment obtained etc.) 2. We will complete your order from your current level to selected Level 3. It may take more or less time as we described (depending on selected levels, character's class, world pvp activity, server population and other factors)
EDT: 3 days 11.7 hours
Lv 1-20 Class Power Leveling1. Everything that drops stays on your account (Gold,equipment obtained etc.) 2. We will complete your order from your current level to selected Level 3. It may take more or less time as we described (depending on selected levels, character's class, world pvp activity, server population and other factors)
EDT: 2 days 5.7 hours
Lv 1-10 Class Power Leveling1. Everything that drops stays on your account (Gold,equipment obtained etc.) 2. We will complete your order from your current level to selected Level 3. It may take more or less time as we described (depending on selected levels, character's class, world pvp activity, server population and other factors)
EDT: 11.7 hours









1. 请先选择您需要的代练服务。如果您在我们的网站上找不到您想要的,请通过实时聊天联系我们来定制您的代练服务。

2. 请务必填写正确的角色名称、职业、账号和密码,以便我们快速登录您的账号。

3. 您最好不要在我们的代练服务期间玩您的账户,但如果您想这样做,请联系我们讨论合理的时间。当您退出帐户后,请告诉我们。

4. 您的代练员每天会玩大约16小时,这可以保证您在魔兽探索赛季中快速升级。

5. 在我们完成您的订单后,请不要忘记更改您的帐户密码。




如果你想享受这个模式,而又不想花大量的时间和精力在练级、打金、突袭和游戏的其他方面,最简单的方法是从专业可靠的网站购买魔兽探索赛季代练,例如MMOGAH ,它可以提供 100% 手工制作,快速和专业的魔兽探索赛季代练。


如何在 MmoGah 购买探索赛季代练?

1. 请注册/登录您的mmogah帐户下订单,并在结账时享受会员折扣(1%-3%)。

2. 购买探索赛季职业等级提升:选择您的服务器并选择您当前和所需的等级,或我们页面上列出的等级,然后单击“立即购买”。


3. 输入正确的角色名称、帐户、密码和角色类别。

4. 选择您的付款方式并付款。





