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Class Level Boost Package (Hardcore)
EDT: 28 days
Lv 1-60 Class Power Leveling1.Everything that drops stays on your account(Gold,equipment obtained etc.) 2.We will complete your order from your current level to selected Level. 3.It may take more or less time as we described(depending on selected levels, character's class, world pvp activity, server population and other factors)
EDT: 28 days
Lv 1-50 Class Power Leveling1.Everything that drops stays on your account(Gold,equipment obtained etc.) 2.We will complete your order from your current level to selected Level. 3.It may take more or less time as we described(depending on selected levels, character's class, world pvp activity, server population and other factors)
EDT: 18 days
Lv 1-40 Class Power Leveling1.Everything that drops stays on your account(Gold,equipment obtained etc.) 2.We will complete your order from your current level to selected Level. 3.It may take more or less time as we described(depending on selected levels, character's class, world pvp activity, server population and other factors)
EDT: 10 days
Lv 1-30 Class Power Leveling1.Everything that drops stays on your account(Gold,equipment obtained etc.) 2.We will complete your order from your current level to selected Level. 3.It may take more or less time as we described(depending on selected levels, character's class, world pvp activity, server population and other factors)
EDT: 5 days
Lv 1-20 Class Power Leveling1.Everything that drops stays on your account(Gold,equipment obtained etc.) 2.We will complete your order from your current level to selected Level. 3.It may take more or less time as we described(depending on selected levels, character's class, world pvp activity, server population and other factors)
EDT: 3 days
Lv 1-10 Class Power Leveling1.Everything that drops stays on your account(Gold,equipment obtained etc.) 2.We will complete your order from your current level to selected Level. 3.It may take more or less time as we described(depending on selected levels, character's class, world pvp activity, server population and other factors)
EDT: 1 day 6 hours










2. 当您下订单时,请务必填写您正确的帐户、密码、角色职业和名字,以便我们快速、轻松地登录您的帐户。

3. 在收到并验证您的付款后,我们将尽快开始您的订单。

4. 请注意,在我们履行您的订单期间,您不应在未通知我们的情况下使用您的帐号。如果您想玩,请先联系我们讨论时间。


6. 如果您有任何疑问或特殊要求,请告诉我们。我们的 24/7 在线实时聊天随时为您提供帮助。



1. 使用诸如艾泽拉斯自动驾驶仪 - 经典之类的升级插件来引导您完成最佳任务路线并最大限度地缩短您的旅行时间。

2. 选择不依赖宠物的伤害等级,例如法师或盗贼,以最大化你的 DPS 并减少您的停机时间。


4. 使用食物、水、药水、绷带和卷轴等消耗品来保持健康和法力,避免不必要的死亡或休息。

5. 加入一个公会或一群朋友,他们可以帮助您完成任务、地下城或增益。在您的队伍中拥有治疗师或坦克可以让事情变得更容易和更快。

6. 提前规划您的天赋建设并选择最有效的升级选项。您可以使用经典魔兽世界人才计算器等工具来尝试不同的构建。

7. 如果您不想浪费时间与其他玩家战斗或跑尸,请避开 PvP 区域或服务器。如果您确实参与 PvP,请尝试选择可以快速获胜或轻松逃脱的战斗。

在魔兽经典怀旧服中快速升级可能具有挑战性,尤其是在专家模式中,因为一旦您的角色死了,您将永远失去它,所以在专家模式中您永远不会安全。但用我们的魔兽世界硬核代练服务,您是安全的! !我们的职业玩家100%手打将轻松到达您所需的级别,为您提供一个充分准备的角色来完成游戏。