
12 Mistakes and Tips in Elden Ring

By Nancy G2022-04-09

Elden Ring is a challenging game. You can easily make some mistakes that can be very costly for you. Today MmoGah will be going over a variety of mistakes that you want to avoid making to make sure that your experience gets even better. And Nizar GG is going to talk about some specific mistakes that you can easily stop doing and bring you tips and tricks that you'll want to know. Now let's begin.


12 Mistakes and Tips in Elden Ring


1. Risking falling to your death

Elden ring is full of cliffs, and sometimes we wonder if we can make that jump right. There is a way to know if you're going to make the jump - Rainbow Stone. Rainbow Stones are more useful than you think, and they do serve a purpose outside of just being pretty. If you have to jump to your death often because you like taking risks, you'll find that you can use rainbow stones as your guide. If the rainbow stone breaks when you throw it, it means you can't jump. You'll just die. However, if the rainbow stone stays intact, you will survive as well, and you can safely jump.


rainbow stone 1

rainbow stone 2

rainbow stone 3



2. Keeping Fia's debuff

There is a debuff in the game that is quite sneaky, and with that, this is quite a subtle mistake to make since I've heard stories where people, after dozens of hours, still had this debuff on them without ever even knowing that it existed.


Do you see this little icon near your health bar? Have you been hugging a certain someone too much recently? Congratulations, you have been cursed with the same debuff that removes five percent of your total health, and that can be the difference between dying and living in some fights.




The solution to this and removing the debuff is very easy - use Baldachin's Blessing. It's the item Fia gives you after hugging her, and it will also give you a temporary increase in poise. So you can turn the debuff into a buff. If you are someone that easily forgets to do this, then the alternative solution might be to start playing hard to get and refuse to hug her.


refuse to hug



3. Killing NPCs

It's not smart to kill NPCs since you will miss out on quests, certain dialogue, or the NPC sending you useful stuff. Unfortunately, if you have killed a certain NPC, it's too late to bring him back. But if you have only attacked them, then it's not too late to restore the peace because you can atone for your sins at the Church of Vows. Go to the statue and interact with it, and then this way, you will deaggro the NPC you attacked. You will need a Celestial Dew for this. You can loot those things in the open world or buy them from various merchants such as Pidia. And when you go back, the NPC you attacked will be normal again like nothing ever happened.


kill npc



4. Sacrificing Your Remembrances

Every time you kill the main story boss, you will be rewarded with a Remembrance that you can turn in for a powerful Elden Ring item. We go to the NPC that's located at the round table hold and turn them in. you'll have to make a choice between one of the two rewards as you only have one Remembrance right.




But if you choose one, your Remembrance is gone for good. So don't do that because you can get both rewards if you want. To get both rewards, you need to duplicate your Remembrance. These are walking mausoleums, and there are only a few in the world, so choose wisely which Remembrance you want to duplicate. If you remove the white stuff on these mausoleums, then they will fall down, and you can enter them. Inside, you can duplicate your Remembrance, and when you go back to claim your reward, you can get both options.





5. Forgetting about Chicken Feet

If you are farming certain enemies for armor or weapons or any loot and the item you're farming has a low drop rate, use a Silver-Pickled Fowl Foot. These things increase your item discovery, which makes mobs drop certain loot way faster. It's especially noticeable if the item that you're seeking is rare. You can craft these quite easily by using three Rowa Fruit, one Four-Toed Fowl Foot, and one Silver Firefly, and they're also scattered around the world by the way for you to loot, so you can also pick them up here and there. This Silver-Pickled Fowl Foot adds 50 Discovery to your discovery set, so it's a substantial amount. The Gold-Pickled Fowl Foot, on the other hand, gives you 30% more Runes from any enemy.


30% runes


You can craft it with almost the same recipe as the Silver-Pickled Fowl Foot, with the difference being that you need a Golden Firefly instead of a silver one. Or easier, you can buy them from Patches, an NPC that you unlock, and you can also find them in the open world. Some enemies in the game give you tons of Elden Ring Runes when they die, so it's nice to keep in mind and use this in those cases. Remember that it only works for 3 minutes, so time it accordingly when you use it.



6. Saving Smithing Stones for "later."

In the early game, Smithing Stones are quite rare. But as you progress, they become increasingly more common. To the point that you can straight up buy them if you want to. And this applies to both the normal Smithing Stones and the somber Smithing Stones. If you want to save them for better gear later or do not want to waste them, do not worry about it and use the stones on something you deem valuable. It will make whatever you're upgrading only better, helping you out with progressing through the game. They won't just sit there in your inventory doing nothing until they become way less valuable.



7. Worrying too much about stats & Making a new character if you're not happy with your class

Honestly, do not worry too much about where you invest your points. You want to focus on the stats that enhance your specific class and build, but if you make mistakes along the way or figure out that you don't like the playstyle of your class at all, then this game is flexible. You can respect your character completely after you defeat Rennala, one of the main story bosses not too far into the game. Therefore, if you want to change your stats or go from a melee player to a mage, you don't need to make a completely new character to do that, which I think is a common misconception. You will be a few points behind if you choose the wrong class for a certain archetype and then respect it. But it's only a few points ultimately that you can grind to compensate.





8. Passing glowing skulls

This mistake is a small one. When you're traveling, make sure not to miss out on the glowing skulls. They are subtle, and you can easily pass them if you don't know about them. But they give some runes, and it's barely any extra effort to sprint over them when you're mounted. If you're on foot, you can also roll over them to crush them quickly instead of hitting them with your weapons. Especially in the early game, the additional Elden Ring Runes that these goals provide can come in very handy.





9. Common misconception about Great Runes

Many of the big bosses in the game give you a Great Rune after you defeat them. After you activate these and accordingly equip them, it looks like they are active now as you get a symbol in the left upper corner. However, the reality is different because they only activate when using a Rune Arc. I've seen many people think that you automatically have powers when you equip the Great Rune, but it's important to know that without using a Rune Arc, you do not get any benefits from your Great Rune.


great rune



10. Focusing too much on main story bosses

It's important to explore an elder ring. It's a way to make your characters stronger in every aspect essentially. You get more Runes (level up), more useful loot, and more potential to get good weapons that will make your future fights easier. If you restore the main story or are dying versus a boss for hours, days or even weeks, if you're really determined, you probably haven't explored enough and are just under-leveled and underpowered. Therefore it's better to have a good mix between killing the main story bosses and exploring. Progression in the game will go a lot smoother that way.



11. Thinking you have to parry with a parrying shield

If you don't like parrying, but you have a good shield with parry, but you also want to use your main weapon skill instead, then you can buy the no skill ash of war that you can buy at the Marmaster Shack from the NPC. It makes that you can use your main weapon special while wearing the shield. You can still block with your shield and use your main hands' special power. And, of course, you can always have a second shield with parry if you still want to use parry in certain scenarios.


 no skill ash of war



12. Not getting summons ASAP

Summons in this game are very useful. After talking to Melina in the story, go back to the Church of Elleh, and Renna will be there.




Talk to her, and she will give you a spirit bell to summon, and the lone wolf's ashes which are already a good summon. But you can expand your summons early in the game to give you some more options. You can also get the jellyfish when you talk to Roderika three times at Stormhill Shack, a nice tanky and ranged alternative option and a really solid third option that you can get very early is the skeletal one Militiaman summon. You will get it after killing the Tibia Mariner boss right here.


Tibia Mariner boss


Their unique ability is that they will keep resurrecting themselves after they die as long as they are not hit when they are resurrecting themselves. They will tank and distract the enemy forever for you, and that's a great thing to have. It's a very powerful summon.



That's all of these tips for you. I hope this can help you a lot.


Pictures used in this article are the intellectual property of Nizar GG.




12 Mistakes You Really Need To STOP Making In Elden Ring | Elden Ring Tips & Tricks

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