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SWTOR Pending Bug Fixes - GU 5.3

By Helen Keller
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Star Wars: The Old Republic Patch 5.3 - Sisters of Carnage is coming soon, and a list of the bug fixes are added to be part of Patch 5.3 for swtor before release date. What bug fixes are they? Here MmoGah will listed them in the following parts.


There are few important caveats you should know:

  1. As you know, these are not the patch notes. Features, highlights, and the comprehensive list of bug fixes will be lost.
  2. This is not a comprehensive list of every bug fix in the patch.
  3. These bug fixes are subject to change or be removed. As the official continues implementing fixes and testing them, some of these may get moved into other releases.
  4. TLDR - Everything is subject to change, because this is preliminary.


Some of the pending bug fixes are listed for Upcoming Game Update 5.3:

  1. For all mounts, improved Speeder Piloting 4 and 5 now works for them.
  2. For folks who want to create a Cathar, regardless of what Cathar head is chosen, the fur color 3 option will now be consistent.
  3. Gamers who are now able to retrieve Malavai Quinn or Elara Dorne from the Companion Locator Terminal.
  4. The issue which was preventing players from progressing past the Infernal Council in the Eternity Vault is corrected now.
  5. The Nar Shaddaa Nightlife event’s decorations can now be donated to a player’s Guild in the following parts:

  Dynamic Underworld Ceiling Light (Blue)

  Dynamic Underworld Ceiling Light (Red)

  Dynamic Underworld Ceiling Light (Yellow)

  Gambler’s Bar

  Gambler’s Mic Stand

  Gambler’s Party Floor

  1. Now it’s easier for players to search Items that have two-letter words in their name (such as Altar of Skulls) on the GTN without having to remove the two-letter word.
  2. The Gamorrean Guard Companion from the Nar Shaddaa Nightlife event reduces its requirements and no longer needs Artifact Authorization for F2P and Preferred Status players.
  3. Master Mode Czerka Corporate Labs and Czerka Core Meltdown now progress the [WEEKLY] Galactic Conflict Mission as intended.
  4. A typo in the Mission [WEEKLY] Story Uprisings Mission which stated the player needed to complete 10 Uprisings is corrected, as they only need to complete 5.
  5. XenoAnalyst II from the Relics of the Gree event now drops Grey Helix Components as intended.
  6. Players who can once again acquire the Iokath Mission “Facing the Machines of War”, even though they abandoned it before.
  7. Orbital Recon Probes will now always drop Orbital Recon Probe Memory Cores, even if they self-destruct (nice try, Orbital Recon Probes!). This is the objective of the Looking for Signs Daily Mission on Ziost.


Some swtor folk said that the GTN search fix made him so happy. He was overjoyed that they would be able to copy the Nightlife decorations to their guilds! Many of the other bug fixes would also come in handy. From those fixes, Patch 5.3 is worth expecting, therefore players need to save enough swtor credits so that totally enjoy the new update. As the No.1 swtor gold selling website, Mmogah is glad to provide you safe and cheap swtor gold.


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