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SWTOR Cartel Market Specials: Week of July 2

By Helen Keller
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In SWTOR Cartel Market Specials: Week of July 2, boost your celebrations with the latest Cartel Market Sales like the Hutt Cantina Skiff Speeder, the Music Therapy Probe, Celebrate Emote, and more! The more official details will be listed by MmoGah (a professional swtor credits selling website) in the following parts:


Celebration Mishap: Back in the Cartel Market (Beginning July 3, 2018 - 380 Cartel Coins! One Week Only!)


Bring your celebrations to epic proportions with the fireworks available in the Celebration Mishap Toy - available this week in the Cartel Market!


Music Therapy Probe: 25% Off (Beginning July 3, 2018 - 2400 Cartel Coins Now 1800 Cartel Coins! One Week Only!)


Boost your celebrations, and your health, with the Music Therapy Probe - available for a limited time this week.


Hutt Cantina Skiff Speeder: on Sale 10% Off (Beginning on July 3, 2018 - 1500 Cartel Coins Now 1350 Cartel Coins! One Week Only!)


Relax and enjoy your travels through the galaxy in the luxurious Hutt Cantina Skiff Speeder - on sale this week only.


Shikaakwan Royalty Armor Set: Back in the Cartel Market (Beginning July 3, 2018 - 1440 Cartel Coins! One Week Only!)


Inspired by Hadiya, the Twi’lek queen of Shikaakwa, this luxurious armor set will make you feel like royalty.


Emote: Celebrate: Back in the Cartel Market (Beginning July 3, 2018 - 125 Cartel Coins! One Week Only!)


Start the celebrations with the Celebrate Emote and show-off your moves.


Galactic Command Tuning: 40% Off (Beginning July 3, 2018 - 1080 Cartel Coins! One Week Only!)


Personalize your favorite weapons with the Galactic Command Tuning and stand out among your troops.


Appearance Options: Expanded Selections: 50% Off (Beginning July 3, 2018 - 240 Cartel Coins each! One Week Only!)


The Expanded Selections unlocks additional customization options for the Human, Cathar, Cyborg, Chiss, Mirialan, Sith and Miraluka species.


Are you satisfied with the latest Cartel Market Sales this week? Do you find what you need? If both answers are “Yes”, then you need take your time to buy what you like with swtor credits. If you don’t have enough credits, you come to MmoGah for some more. MmoGah has a large stock of SWTOR Credits with cheap prices, fast delivery and professional services. MmoGah is a trustworthy SWTOR Gold store with a great reputation in the market.


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