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Making Gill Per Chance via Mmogah for FF14:ARR

By John Ryan
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A referral from Ian Hollow, one of our FFXIV Gil customers, thank you again!





            ZOOM IN

Sometimes one is asked to give a referral to a person or company like I have been today, and with pleasure I have excepted this, for Mmogah is what they say they are. Let’s start from the Live Chat support over the past eight months. I have dealt with them on a number of occasions and as always the staff are polite, friendly and will go the extra mile to help where they can. Quite frankly many big companies could learn something from Mmogah live chat support for first impressions are everything.

The buying process via the web site is precise and fast and gives a number of options on how to complete transactions. It’s nice to have choices.

Delivery of goods in my case I’m not in game when I complete my transaction, and can be the following day before I’m in game. This is not an issue for Mmogah, I simply advise them that I’ll contact them via live support when in game, and as per usual within a short time I’m meeting one of the couriers in game.

The couriers are real and do not stand out to attract any unwanted attention, I recommend you do the same dress to blend in, again polite and professional they are .There are a number of ways to complete a transaction in game, I personally recommend trade face to face, it’s fast and easy to do. Please note trade cheap items I recommend logs that equal the amount of the gill and it helps keep count.

Billing it clearly shows in one statement and is precise with the correct information.

How contactable is Mmogah better than most email live chat postal and phone contact, they will be there to clear any misunderstandings , advise on ways to receive your goods to suit your own circumstances.

Why to buy, one may ask in my case. I’m in game to play with my team and friends, not spend countless hours crafting and selling. My time is valuable and if you are not into crafting then this can be a game killer, their services just make it easy to have fun and do what you wish to do in game, buy a house, sharing with friends that need help. Getting the special piece of gear is stupidly overpriced, but it’s your choice. A choice makes easy when you have the gill and don’t have the time.    

Mmogah makes it easy in game and out.



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