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A Comprehensive Guide to FFXI Skirmish

By Penny
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Skirmish is a feature in Final Fantasy XI that allows players to enter and explore various areas that are randomly generated and populated with enemies and treasure. It has different modes and difficulties that can suit different preferences and playstyles. Skirmish is a fun and rewarding feature that can enhance your gameplay experience and make you some gil.




Entry Requirements

To enter Skirmish, players need to meet the following requirements:


• Level 95 or higher main job and sub job

• Completion of the Seekers of Adoulin expansion

• Possession of a Skirmish Simulacrum, which is an item that determines the type, mode, and difficulty of the Skirmish area

• Possession of a Skirmish Stone, an item that determines the entry fee and time limit of the Skirmish area


To start Skirmish, players need to talk to one of the Skirmish NPCs located in various locations, such as Western Adoulin (I-10), Eastern Adoulin (H-8), or Rala Waterways (G-5). The NPC will ask the player to choose a Skirmish Simulacrum and a Skirmish Stone from their inventory and confirm their entry. The NPC will then teleport the player to the Skirmish area.



Before entering Skirmish, one thing we need to know is that Skirmish battles are typically tackled in a group known as an alliance. An alliance can consist of up to 18 players and is divided into three parties, each consisting of up to six members. When forming your alliance for Skirmish, you should consider the following party composition: tanks, healers, damage dealers, and support roles.


Enemy Tiers

Inside Skirmish, players need to defeat enemies and bosses to progress and obtain rewards. The enemies and bosses are divided into four tiers: Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, and Tier 4. Each tier has a different difficulty level and drop rate. To advance to the next tier, players need to defeat all the enemies and bosses in the previous tier.



The enemies and bosses in Skirmish have various abilities and resistances that make them challenging to fight. To increase their chances of success, players need to use procs, which are special effects that trigger when certain conditions are met. Procs can deal extra damage, reduce enemy defenses, increase drop rates, or grant buffs to the player. Procs are indicated by different colors and messages on the screen.


There are two types of procs in Skirmish: white procs and red procs. White procs are triggered by using certain weapon skills or abilities on the enemy, depending on their job type. For example, using Blade: Jin on a warrior-type enemy will trigger a white proc. Red procs are triggered by using certain spells or abilities on the enemy, depending on their elemental affinity. For example, using Fire IV on a fire-type enemy will trigger a red proc.


To know which procs to use on which enemies, players need to use certain items or abilities that reveal the enemy's information. For example, using Frazzle III or Dia III on the enemy will reveal their job type and elemental affinity. Alternatively, players can use Trust NPCs that have proc abilities, such as Uka Totlihn, Mayakov, or Mumor.



Prepare your gear and items before entering Skirmish:

You should equip the best armor and weapons that you have, as well as bring some potions, ethers, food, and other consumables that can boost your stats and performance. You should also bring some items that can reveal the enemy's information, such as Frazzle III or Dia III scrolls.


Coordinate with Your Alliance:

Communication is key. Discuss strategies, assign roles, and call out important information during the battle.


Prioritize Targets:

Focus on high-priority targets, such as dangerous enemies or objectives. Assign specific targets to each party to ensure efficient clearing.


Utilize Crowd Control:

Jobs with crowd control abilities can help manage the flow of battle. Silencing, stunning, and incapacitating enemies can give your alliance an edge.


Manage Aggro:

Tanks should be mindful of their enmity and positioning to ensure that enemies are effectively controlled.


Save your time extensions for later tiers or bosses:

Time extensions are items that can extend your time limit in Skirmish by 5 minutes. You can obtain time extensions by defeating certain enemies or bosses or by opening certain treasure chests. You should save your time extensions for later tiers or bosses, as they will be more challenging and time-consuming than earlier ones. You should also use your time extensions wisely, as you can only use one per minute.



To obtain rewards from Skirmish, players need to defeat enemies and bosses that drop currency or items. The currency is called Bayld, which can be used to buy various items from the NPC Oboro in Port Jeuno (H-8). The items include armor, weapons, accessories, and materials that can be used for crafting or upgrading. Some of the items are:


• Alluvion Skirmish Armor: A set of 119 armor that can be augmented with various stats and effects.

• Alluvion Skirmish Weapons: A set of 119 weapons that can be upgraded to 119+1 or 119+2 with various stats and effects.

• Alluvion Skirmish Accessories: A set of 119 accessories that can be upgraded to 119+1 with various stats and effects.

• Alluvion Skirmish Materials: A set of materials that can be used for crafting or upgrading other items.

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