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ESO Builds: Solo Stamina Warden Build - Blackwood

By Michel Z
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Stamina Warden is one of the best solo Stamina classes in The Elder Scrolls Online. The class also does well as a Tank, Healer, or a PvP character. In this guide, Lucky Ghost shows you how to build a powerful Stamina Warden for soloing in the game. 


64 Stamina


Race: Khajiit/Dark Elf/Orc/Wood Elf/Redguard

Khajiit is one of the most potent options for newer players, and as a Khajiit, you can deal a decent amount of damage.


Mundus Stone

Lover (Solo)

Theif (group)




Food: Lava Foot Soup and Saltrice

It will help you sustain and add a ton of Max Stamina.


Potions: Essence of Weapon Power

The Essence of Weapon Power potion gives Major Brutality, which increases your weapon damage by 20%. It also gives you Major Savagery that increases your Crit chance. The potion also gives you Stamina back and increases your Stamina recovery.

Food and Potions can be helpful for every player, so be sure to check out the most professional ESO gold store if you need some gold for those items.



Gear Setup (Final)


Head: Slimecraw's Mask

Type: Medium

Trait: Divines

Enchantment: Stamina


You will want to use Slimecraw's Mask in many builds for this patch to make up for the crit you lost when ZOS nerfed all the crit sets. This armor will help you get up to the crit level you want to reach.


You will want to use the one-piece Slimecraw because you will also need to use the Ring of the Pale Order whenever you are soloing.


Shoulders: Tzogvin's Arm Cops

Type: Medium

Trait: Divines

Enchantment: Stamina


When you are in a group, you can put Grundwulf on your shoulds because it's another set with a one-piece Crit bonus, and it's powerful for both Mag or Stam characters to run one-piece Slimecraw + one-piece Grunwulf.


Chest: Relequen or Briarheart

Type: Medium

Trait: Divines

Enchantment: Stamina


Waist: Relequen or Briarheart

Type: Medium

Trait: Divines

Enchantment: Stamina


Hands: Relequen or Briarheart

Type: Medium

Trait: Divines

Enchantment: Stamina


Legs: Relequen or Briarheart

Type: Medium

Trait: Divines

Enchantment: Stamina


Feet: Relequen or Briarheart

Type: Medium

Trait: Divines

Enchantment: Stamina


For Chest, Waist, Hands, Legs, and Feet, you have two options: Briarheart and Relequen. If you only want to wear an overland set, you can choose Briarheart, a powerful set that gives you crit chance and a ton of weapon damage.


If you want to use the best-in-slot for solo and group play, you can use Relequen, which adds critical and makes your attacks stack to the enemies, dealing a ton of DoT damage to them. The more of these stacks you get on them, the more damage you will do. Therefore, your light attack weaving will be very important on this build. Make sure you get into the habit of light-attacking between your abilities if you haven't done so yet.


Necklace: Tzogvin

Type: Jewelry

Trait: Bloodthirsty

Enchantment: Weapon Damage


Ring 1: Tzogvin's Ring

Type: Jewelry

Trait: Bloodthirsty

Enchantment: Weapon Damage


Ring 2: Ring of the Pale Order

Type: Jewelry

Trait: Bloodthirsty

Enchantment: Weapon Damage


Weapon 1: Tzogvin's Maul

Type: Maul

Trait: Precise

Enchantment: Stamina Absorb


Tzogvin's Maul will be the ideal weapon for this build. Tzogvin is a fantastic set that gives you more critical chances and a ton of Penetration. You will also get Minor Force using this set, which means it will free up one of the bar slots. That extra slot can be very helpful, especially when you are soloing, because you will need a slot for your heal, damage mitigation, or some sustain skills.


The two-handed Maul will be the best for solo. If you don't have the Maul, the two-handed greatsword will also work well. But you will find you underpen in group or solo content as a Stamina character, so the Maul will do a lot to help you get close to those pen goals.


Every mob has resistances, and you have to penetrate them if you want to do 100% damage to them. The bigger the gap between their resistances and your Penetration, the more of your damage is reduced. That is why you need to use gear, Mondus stones, and skills that grant you Penetration, and those are some of the reasons why this character hits so hard.


Weapon 2: Maelstrom

Type: Bow

Trait: Infused

Enchantment: Weapon Damage

Gear Setup (Without Trial/Dungeon Gear)


Head: Selene's

Type: Medium

Trait: Divines

Enchantment: Stamina


Shoulders: Selene's (Hunding's Rage if you wear Ring of the Pale Order)

Type: Medium

Trait: Divines

Enchantment: Stamina


Chest: Briarheart

Type: Medium

Trait: Divines

Enchantment: Stamina


Waist: Briarheart

Type: Medium

Trait: Divines

Enchantment: Stamina


Hands: Briarheart

Type: Medium

Trait: Divines

Enchantment: Stamina


Legs: Briarheart

Type: Medium

Trait: Divines

Enchantment: Stamina


Feet: Briarheart

Type: Medium

Trait: Divines

Enchantment: Stamina


Necklace: Hunding's

Type: Jewelry

Trait: Bloodthirsty

Enchantment: Weapon Damage


Ring 1: Hunding's

Type: Jewelry

Trait: Bloodthirsty

Enchantment: Weapon Damage


Ring 2: Hunding's

Type: Jewelry

Trait: Bloodthirsty

Enchantment: Weapon Damage


Weapon 1: Hunding's

Type: Maul

Trait: Precise

Enchantment: Stamina Absorb/Damage Health Poison IX


Weapon 2: Hunding's

Type: Bow

Trait: Infused

Enchantment: Weapon Damage


Skill Setup


Front Bar: Subterranean Assault, Brawler, Executioner, Growing Swarm, Bird of Prey, Wild Guardian


Subterranean Assault is one of the skills that were recently modified. You will want to cast this skill every six skills or so. Make sure you don't cast this skill early because you will cancel that second detonation. Also, make sure you cast it again as soon as it detonates a second time.


Subterranean Assault will deal more of your damage than any other skill, so it is very important to use it actively.


Brawler not only does a great deal of damage but also grants you a Shield, and the more enemies you are hitting, the larger the Shield will become.


Executioner deals up to 400% more damage to enemies with less than 50% Health.


Growing Swarm puts Bleed DoT damage on the enemies and rips through their flesh, causing them to take 5% increased damage. Additionally, enemies near the carrier take almost 2kK Bleed Damage every two seconds for the duration, so it is also an AoE-DoT.


Bird of Prey gives you 5% increased damage. Although it is not a skill that you actively use in combat, you will activate it when you are between combats because it improves your movement speed.


Wild Guardian puts an insane amount of damage out. The way the skill works is that whenever your old bar is charged, you can recast him, causing him to do an AoE swipe. In addition, if you activate that swipe when the enemy is below 25% Health, the skill will cause double damage. Thus, this ultimate skill is also an Execute skill.


Back Bar: Endless Hail, Razor Caltrops, Resolving Vigor, Bull Netch, Consuming Trap, Wild Guardian


Endless Hail places down a large AoE of arrows, and when paired with the Maelstrom bow, it does even better damage. Every tick of this skill does more damage than the tick before. Therefore, to not interrupt those final ticks, make sure the latter completely expires before you cast it again.


Razor Caltrops places Major Breach on the enemy. In every solo build, you should have a source of Major Breach. In group content, you don't have to run your own source of Major Breach, and you could replace it with any other AoE-DoT. However, you will want to keep the skill here in Blackwood because Razor Caltrops is being buffed to do more damage.


Resolving Vigor is one of the strongest HoTs in the game. It only lasts four seconds, though. Thus, you will only want to use it when you are in a pinch.


Bull Netch is also a skill from the Animal Companion Skill line. It restores 5K Stamina over 25 seconds, and it grants you Major Brutality, increasing your Weapon Damage by 20%. With this skill, you can forgo the Essence of Weapon Power potion and go with the Essence of Weapon Critical potion instead.


Bull Netch also removes one negative effect from you every five seconds. Most importantly, this skill costs nothing to cast.


Consuming Trap does a solid DoT, and every time an affected enemy dies, you will get all three of your resources back, including a ton of Stamina.


Wild Guardian must be slotted on both the front and back bar so that the grizzly doesn't vanish.

ESO Builds Solo Stamina Warden Build - Blackwood p2 buy eso items at mmogah



·    Class: All Passives

·    Weapon

·    Two-Hand: All Passives

·    Bow: All Passives

·    Armor

·    Medium Armor: All Passives

·    World: None

·    Guilds

·    Undaunted Guild: All Passives

·    Racial: All Passives

·    Alchemy: Medicinal Use




The Solo Stamina Warden rotation is pretty simple. For boss fights, keep your buffs and DoTs up, then swing your Brawler until things are dead!


For trash fights on the solo Stamden, you will be able to knock the enemies down with a few Brawls.


·   Prebuff by casting the Bull Netch

·   Apply Dots Endless Hail > Razor Caltrops > Growing Swarm



Subterranean Assault > Brawler x5 (repeat unless reapplying back-bar DoTs/buffs)

·    Spammable is Brawler until enemy HP is at 32%

·    Spammable is Executioner at 32% and below UNLESS you have multiple enemies around, then stick with Brawler

·    Keep Bull Netch active to help sustain

·    If you have sustain issues, use and apply Consuming Trap on mobs that are going to die to get Stamina, Health, and Magicka back!

·    Until you unlock caltrops, use Winter's Revenge


Champion Point Setup

Warfare Tree

CP Level Perk Points
0-60 Precision 20
60-210 Fighting Finesse (slot) 50
210-270 Piercing 20
270-420 Deadly Aim (slot) 50
420-570 Master at Arms (slot) 50
570-720 Thaumaturge (slot) 50
720-780 Tireless Disciple 20
780-810 Quick Recovery 10
810-870 Preparation 20
870-930 Battle Mastery 20
930-1020 Mighty 30
1020-1080 Battle Mastery 20
1080-1140 Elemental Aegis 20
1140-1200 Hardy 20
1200-1230 Quick Recovery 10
1230-1290 Blessed 20
1290-1350 Eldritch Insight 20
1350-1410 Flawless Ritual 20
1410-1500 War Mage 30
1500-1560 Flawless Ritual 20

Fitness Tree

CP Level Perk Points
0-150 Boundless Vitality (slot) 50
150-300 Rejuvenation (slot) 50
300-345 Tumbling 15
345-375 Mystic Tenacity 10
375-435 Heros Vigor 20
435-585 Bloody Renewal (slot) 50
585-735 Ironclad (slot) 50
735-780 Tumbling 15
780-840 Defiance 20
840-864 Hasty 8
864-924 Tireless Guardian 20
924-1014 Fortification 30
1014-1038 Hasty 8
1038-1098 Sprinter 20
1098-1188 Savage Defense 30
1188-1206 Nimble Protector 6
1206-1266 Bashing Brutality 20
1266-1386 Mystic Tenacity 40
1386-1406 Piercing Gaze 10
1406-1556 Tempered Soul 50
1556-1616 Piercing Gaze 20

Craft Tree

CP Level Perk Points
0-150 Steed's Blessing (slot) 50
150-300 Breakfall 50
300-345 Wanderer 15
345-375 Steadfast Enchantment 10
375-465 Rationer (slot) 30
465-690 Liquid Efficiency (slot) 75
690-870 Wanderer 60
870-990 Steadfast Enchantment 40
990-1140 Fortune's Favor 50
1140-1290 Gilded Fingers 50
1290-1380 Out of Sight 30
1380-1500 Fleet phantom 40
1500-1599 Soul Reservoir 33
1599-1749 Treasure Hunter (slot) 50
1749-1884 Inspiration Boost 45
1884-2034 Meticulous Disassembly 50
2034-2259 Master Gatherer 75

That is the build of Solo Stamina Warden. If you like Lucky Ghost's video, be sure to like and subscribe to his channel.


MmoGah is a professional seller providing ESO gold, ESO items, and ESO power leveling service. To know more tips and news, please visit our ESO news page. You can get ideas on how to make money in Blackwood and the best Stamina sets you should have in the Elder Scrolls Online.


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