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Diablo 2 Resurrected: Things You Need to Know about Potions - Section 2

By Ansley
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In section 1, we mainly discussed the effect of Healing and Mana potions on different classes. Today, let's go on to talk about Potion Fill Rate, the time it takes to fill, and the character's maximum. Then we can get the most out of the potions, even regenerate our life.


Diablo 2 Resurrected Things You Need to Know about Potions - Section 2


More Points Don't Necessarily Mean a Higher Potion Fill Rate

In general, a potion filling more points has a higher Potion Fill Rate since the time it takes to drink this potion is almost the same as others. Players usually spend 5.12 seconds drinking a mana potion and less than 8 seconds drinking most of the healing potions, except the Super Healing Potion. So when players select a potion from mana potions or healing potions, they only need to consider the number of points it can give you. We can use the below cases to explain.


healing potion fill rate


When Barbarian drinks a Minor Healing Potion, 60 points will fill in 7.68 seconds. So the average Potion Fill Rate is 7.8125/s.

When Barbarian drinks a Super Healing Potion, 640 points will fill in 10.24 seconds. So this time, the average Potion Fill Rate is 62.5/s.


But when players drink two potions at a time, the standard that a potion with more points also gets a higher Potion Fill Rate may not be suitable. In the above cases, although the two potions have 700 points in total (60 + 640 = 700), we should not ignore the total time of 17.92(7.68 + 10.24 = 17.92) seconds. So the average Potion Fill Rate is 39.06/s. It's less than drinking a Super Healing Potion(39.06/s < 62.5/s).


So when drinking potions, players also need to consider the amount of time they would take. Even if players are in emergencies, they should not blindly fill points and ignore the average Potion Fill Rate, as drinking one potion can sometimes be more useful than two.


The Character's Maximum Must Be Considered

When people eat something, they may only be able to eat half of it because that's the amount they can feel full. If you continue with the rest, it can only result in overeating. Likewise, players also need to consider their maximum when they drink potions. Otherwise, the potions can only be wasted.


If players are taking a lot of damage, they might need to drink four or five potions to maintain their health. But when they reached their maximum, they could not increase points more than that. For example, the mana maximum of Sorceress is 700. After losing some mana, she begins to drink some potions at 200 points, and the total points these potions can give her are 580, but she can only use 500 since Sorceress has reached her maximum 700 (200 + 500 = 700).


This is what MmoGah shares about one of the important Diablo 2 Items - potions. We can see that using potions needs players to measure and calculate. It's not an easy thing. So next time, we will continue the series. After all, if we want a good experience, we should not blindly do it. We should calculate everything. If you are interested, stay tuned.



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