
Top 7 Reasons Why People Buy ESO Gold with Real Money

By aeebee2022-12-07

Do you want to buy gold and items for The Elder Scrolls Online but still have doubts? Then please check out this article to have a better understanding of your decision! We hope the reasons listed will make it clear why people like to spend some real cash on the in-game currency of ESO.


ESO Is Super Massive

ESO Is Super Massive

What do you make of an MMORPG open-world game that has been around since 2014 and still thriving? A timeless game with a seemingly boundless world and unlimited freedom to do tons of never-ending activities that gets several regular doses of feature-packed rich content annually!

Despite nearing its decade-long journey, The Elder Scrolls Online is actively brimming with thousands of players. With each passing day, more and more newbies are joining the ESO family. Thanks to the top-notch ESO developer team, The Elder Scrolls Online has received 28 DLCs and 6 Chapters. You may have to play for thousands of hours to finish all the content. Given you play 2 hours per day, it would take a couple of years.


Good luck with spending years grinding until you catch up with the rest of the company. With an approach like that, the ultimate outcome is that you would likely give up before you can even start to enjoy the game to the fullest. This is why people spend money on gold to speed up their game progress. 


ESO Can Be Overwhelming for Newbies

ESO can be Overwhelming for Newbies

As mentioned in the previous post, The Elder Scrolls Online is far from dead. It is a timeless game that still presents itself as a tempting buy for newbies. 


The game provides thousands of hours of content, which is ever-increasing periodically. The Elder Scrolls Online is overflowing with engaging content-rich activities, side quests, dungeons, world events, world Bosses, the main storyline, and whatnot!


For novice players and those trying out the game for the first time, ESO can be quite overwhelming. Being unable to clearly process what, how, and when to do, ESO can potentially scare them off. They may not even buy the game, let alone start it. So people buy gold to help themselves get set on a track in The Elder Scrolls Online.


ESO Requires a Lot of Grinding

ESO Requires a Lot of Grinding

Let's be honest here. Not everyone reading this post is a hardcore gamer who loves to grind their way through to the top. This is remarkable if you have accomplished such a feat in ESO!


However, most gamers are just regular players who want to enjoy the game to the fullest without hard work or grinding. For them, games are meant to be played to have a well-deserved fun time. They do not play to grind hard in ESO after all day being at work and working hard! This is why people buy coins to compensate for skipping the grinding work and quickly leveling up to enjoy the game.


ESO Bosses and Monsters Are Super Strong

ESO Bosses and Monsters are Super Strong

Grinding in The Elder Scrolls Online to level up is one thing, and grinding to afford strong weapons and armor to take on ESO bosses and monsters is another. 


Repetitive unsuccessful attempts at killing big giants in ESO quickly make the game disengaging. The fun is lost, and gameplay becomes tiring for the majority of gamers.


However, it is sometimes possible to take on powerful opponents with low skills and weak weapons, provided that a hardcore gamer controls the character. 


Since not everyone is super skilled, resorting to strong weapons and body armor is the last solution. Putting on stiff armor and wielding lethal weapons instills confidence in players and further makes taking on ESO bosses and monsters much easier. This, in turn, makes the game more captivating for regular players. This is why people want to have a lot of gold quickly to turn their ESO foes into delicious pieces of cake.


ESO Cosmetic Items Are Tempting

ESO Cosmetic Items are Tempting

There exists a big community of players who do not play games with the sole intent of perfectly completing the game story. They like to try on different costumes and hang around with other players. In the case of The Elder Scrolls Online, these cosmetics are swords, bows, armor, helmets, etc.


There is nothing wrong with showing off since ESO is an MMORPG game where tens of thousands of players co-exist peacefully. They take part in various activities and side-quests together, and having different types of gaming costumes adds a unique layer of fun and thrill to the game.


Regularly switching between different ESO cosmetic items keeps this community of players entertained. This is why people want to get gold coins to instantly purchase any cosmetic item they like in the game, particularly the limited edition.


Buying ESO Gold Is NOT Illegal

Buying ESO Gold is NOT Illegal

It is quite outrageous to see that some people have pointed out ESO Gold buying as illegal! Everything is fair and safe in the whole process. How on earth can you label such a normal "trade" as illicit?


Even if one does not buy ESO gold for any of the above reasons, it does not become prohibited to purchase gold for ESO. As long as both parties are benefitting, buying ESO Gold is safe.


Furthermore, many safe sellers provide both quick and reliable ESO Gold buying services. They have earned quite a good reputation and high ratings from many gamers for their fool-proof transactions.This is why people buy coins with real cash because they trust the safe sellers and also because it is NOT illegal.  


You GET Banned for Cheating, Exploiting, or Botting

Buying gold coins is neither cheating nor exploiting. If ESO gold trading were illegal, then the only way for players to quickly earn gold would be to exploit the game code and add gold to their ESO account. Now, this is a violation of ESO terms of service. If you are caught doing this, the result is an instant ban. And who will want this to happen to their account? Surely, no one! 


Buying gold is safer than cheating, exploiting, or even botting. It provides a safe exit route for players seeking ESO gold coins for whatever reason they want it. That is why people purchase the in-game currency with real money to avoid such criminal acts and getting their accounts banned for life.



The above list of reasons has made it clear why people like to spend some real cash for the in-game money of TESO. Having gold in your account lets you focus on the enjoyable content The Elder Scrolls Online has to offer. 


Apart from ESO gold coins, in the same way, people also buy materials, crafted sets, and even power-leveling services for ESO. Safe sellers make the whole process fool-proof, and conducting trades with them has never resulted in any ESO account getting banned! 


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