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Prevent Wow Gold Buyers Being Cheated by Tricksters in World of Warcraft

By John Ryan
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World of Warcraft, as one of the most popular MMORPGs, has more than 10 million registered subscribers by early 2015. In the meantime, It also promotes game peripherals and even virtual currency market.


As a legit and reliable wow gold selling online store, we’ve done wow gold selling business for more than 8 years. Providing legal, safe and fast gold services are our philosophy. However, some tricksters also appear in this market at the same time. They usually get involved after the face-to-face trading done between buyers and sellers in game. Here please see this case which has just happened last week.


Dakme (Seller’s ID) went to Ratchet to do a face-to-face trading with buyer X (For privacy issue, here using X instead of the buyer’s real ID). A player whose ID was Dàkme whispered to X about 15 minutes later after the trading. He tried to bewitch X that the gold X bought was “illegal gold”, and he could help X to change the gold into “legal one” and would give X 30k gold more.




                                                       (click the images to enlarge)

Dàkme(trickster): "Detect your 25k gold there are illegal gold."

                             "so psl put 25,000 ( “illegal gold”)"

                             "and I will give you 55,001( “legal gold”)"


X(buyer): "I don’t have 25k" (the buyer actually bought 30,000 gold in total)


Dàkme: "so put all gold you have"

              "wait in orgrimmar"

              "illegal gold does not keep a record of illegal trade will lead to account

               being banned, understand?"


X: "Yeah"


Dàkme: "because Network problems. Forget the print screen, keep legitimate

               gold records."

              "so put gold you received" (X bought from us)


And at last, X took Dàkme’s word and gave all his 30,000 gold (X bought from us) to him, Dàkme took all the gold and disappeared forever…


Maybe it is a funny and comical story to you, but it’s a truly happened case in front of us. There are maybe some queries that “The trickster is from your shop, isn’t it?" Here we seriously response to this query that “NO, IT IS NOT.”


First of all, we are totally a green wow gold selling shop has been operated for over 8 years long. We have many members and will not risk our reputation for the only 30k gold.


Second as we know that there are some scammer companies have been engaged in cheating deal in World of Warcraft for not a short time. Tricksters always hang around those places of doing gold trading in game to find tricking chance.


What can wow gold buyers learn from it?

  • Find a legit gold seller which makes buyers need not to worry about gold legal issue

  • Tricksters would make some tricks on ID. According to this case, the seller’s ID is Dakme, and the trickster made a very similar ID Dàkme to confuse the buyer

  • Don’t trust other gold dealer easily in game

X is our buyer and he was upset after this thing happened. As the seller we felt sorry about his loss although it was actually not our fault, but we still made up one third of the amount of his order to him. Now we, Mmogah, write this article in order to alert and prevent wow gold buyers from being cheated by gold tricksters from whichever gold shop you buy in the future.


NOTICE: All gold we sell is legal. If some tricksters who Whisper to you after trading, please ignore them to avoid gold loss.  




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