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Path of Exile Loot Filters for Patch 3.2.0 Bestiary League

By Leo Jiang
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If you’ve started playing Path of Exile recently, you may then notice that large volume of loot can be found throughout the game. Among the chests, monsters, and bosses, you’re almost surrounded by the loot. This wealth of rewards increases a player’s satisfaction while carving a path through Wraeclast. However, one of PoE’s biggest advantages can also be a considerable frustration. Because there is much loot raining down, it is difficult to see everything clearly, and even more harder to distinguish treasure from trash. That’s why some very helpful members of the PoE Community have developed a set of special mods called “Loot Filters” to help sort things out. The following shows the best PoE Loot Filters that are fully compatible with patch 3.2.0.

Never Sink’s Loot Filter

Never Sink’s Loot filter should be your favorite and the first choice of many discerning players fighting their way through Wraeclast. This loot filter provides a litany of useful filters that will make your looting become troubled and confused. The priority of Never Sink’s filter is increasing your overall gameplay speed and effectiveness by making higher priority and higher quality. PoE Items are easy to recognize so you can grab them and keep going. The filter makes you become a faster looter by virtue of the following features:


-Includes a screen-decluttering trash filter to keep useless items off your screen

-Places a specially-colored background behind high-quality PoE Exalted Orb

-Plays a special sound when a worthwhile PoE Currency drops

-Places color-coded borders around all items to indicate their size and usefulness

-Tier Lists for special items (Unique, Divination Cards, and Maps)

-Adaptive leveling script: lets your loot filter Level Up with you and your priorities


Those are the highlights of what Never Sink’s Loot filter does for you. With such a comprehensive, cogitative item filtering, it’s no wonder that this is the gold standard for filtering PoE items. What’s more, this filter is fully updated by the Bestiary League, so you don’t need to worry about malfunction in the newest patch.


Greengroove’s Loot Filter

For freshly updated patch 3.2.0, this popular loot filter is as deserving of praise as Never Sink’s. Greengroove’s filter places a premium on optimization and ease of use. In the creator’s words: “Pick up the green stuff. Pink is good. Take it. Think about picking up yellow and other stuff.” It’s really simple. Other notable features of this loot filter include:


-Different alert sounds for each tier of drop

-Lower-tier items get filtered out when you level past

-You can see what drops from large text for all items

-Multiple optimization features so the filter doesn’t lag your game

-A version of the filter that adapts and evolves as you level up, and another for endgame

-A caster version of the filter which hides all non-caster gear

Ajido’s Aesthetically Pleasing Loot Filter

Have you tried other loot filters and felt like something is missing? Or do you find your loot piles to be ugly and disorganized? If so, this is the loot filter for you. The creator sets out one goal in mind: to take the superior functionality of other loot filters and make the item drop easier on the eyes by inverting the text and background colors. It’s a subtle adjustment that makes a big difference. Apart from this change, Ajido’s filter works as well as the others on the list, and it’s just a little prettier.


Obviously, there is a whole and wide world of PoE loot filters there beyond three on this list. However, these three represent a combination of community favorites and the author’s own time-tested winners. In addition, these three are fully updated by the Bestiary League. However, you should check out some of the other options and pick the loot filter that suits your tastes and play-style. The PoE Forums have a great platform showing many of the popular loot filters and their respective features. For more PoE News, please check


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