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Unleashing the Dead or Swift Slaying: Comparing the Necromancer and Rogue Classes in Diablo 4

By i_ghori
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Exploring the vast world of Diablo 4 means choosing from a roster of 5 unique classes, each with its own playstyle and strengths. The recent open beta release of the game saw a surge of excitement around the Necromancer and Rogue classes as they were the most interesting of the lot, with players passionately debating which one reigns supreme. If you're new to this franchise or simply haven't set foot in the world of Diablo 4, this hype can be overwhelming and leave you unsure of which class to pick. While we recommend trying out all characters, we understand that time is precious, and you may want to get straight to the best option for you among the popular ones. To help you make an informed decision, we've compiled a comprehensive guide comparing the Necromancer and Rogue classes, highlighting their unique abilities, advantages, and drawbacks. By the end, you'll have a clear understanding of which class is right for your playstyle and preferences.


Necromancer: Playing with the Dead

The Diablo 4 Necromancer class is a master of the dark arts, capable of summoning armies of undead minions to do their bidding. The Necromancer class in Diablo 4 returns with a new twist as players take on the role of a commander leading an army of undead into battle. While still maintaining its familiar feel for returning players, this class features significant changes that offer a new and unique experience, even for those who've played it in older Diablo titles. The Necromancer is a summoner class that relies on its minions, making it easy for players to effectively control the battlefield.


Unleashing the Dead or Swift Slaying Comparing the Necromancer and Rogue Classes in Diablo 4 content 1


In terms of playstyle, the Necromancer is not the best tank class, but its minions can act as meat shields to absorb damage, providing a fair balance. The Necromancer has access to three types of summons: skeletal warriors, skeletal mages, and golems, which can now be customized using the Book of the Dead ability. This feature allows players to further tailor their minions to their own preferences, providing a high degree of versatility. The Book of the Dead is also accessible from the very start of the game, making it a huge plus point.


The Necromancer has access to four categories of skills: Blood, Blight, Dark, and Bone, which consume Essence as a resource. These include popular spells like Bone Spear, which fires a piercing spear of bone at enemies, and Corpse Explosion, which causes corpses to explode and deal massive area-of-effect damage. By combining the right skills, players can create a build that deals massive amounts of damage as their Essence replenishes over time, making them a truly unstoppable force.


While the Necromancer has traditionally been played in a passive style, the Book of the Dead now allows players to create a viable solo build by sacrificing some of their summonses. Overall, the Necromancer class in Diablo 4 offers an interesting and fresh experience for both new and returning players, with a high degree of customization and ingenuity, giving players a ton of room to play around with.



Rogue: Dancing with Danger

In Diablo 4, the Rogue is an adaptable class with a vast array of offensive options. Unlike the Necromancer, who focuses on summoning, the Rogue can switch between melee and ranged combat to deal significant damage to enemies. In addition, the Rogue possesses traps and other crowd control utilities, allowing players to employ different tactics, such as bleeding out enemies up close with daggers or luring them into traps for debuffs.


The Rogue's offensive capabilities are undoubtedly impressive, with the ability to deal tremendous amounts of damage and take advantage of advantageous positions. However, the Rogue's low defenses make combat a high-risk, high-reward situation. To compensate, the Rogues rely heavily on their mobility and possess skills to enhance their speed and agility.


Rogues also possess a range of abilities that can boost their mobility, and although they also have some defensive skills, they primarily serve to prevent the Rogue from being hit. As a result, piloting a Rogue can be challenging, but skilled players who excel on the battlefield can swiftly dispatch any adversary they face.


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One unique aspect of the Rogue class is the ability to wield two one-handed weapons and one ranged weapon simultaneously, providing a broader range of offensive skills at their disposal. The Rogue also has access to the class-specific Imbue system, which allows players to modify skill damage with Cold, Poison, or Shadow effects.


The Rogue is designed to fulfill the dexterity role in Diablo 4 and possesses elite mobility. Therefore, skilled players who can effectively position themselves can easily turn the Rogue into a formidable force to be reckoned with.


Overall, the Rogue class in Diablo 4 is a dynamic and versatile class that offers players a range of options for playstyle and combat strategy. Its combination of speed, agility, and powerful abilities make it a terrifying opponent on the battlefield and a popular choice for players who enjoy a fast-paced and adaptive playstyle.


Which one should you go for?

To sum it up, Diablo 4's Rogue and Necromancer classes are both unique and exciting options for players to explore in their own ways. The Rogue is versatile and can excel in both ranged and melee combat, but its low durability may appeal to players who enjoy adapting their strategies. The Necromancer, on the other hand, is a summoner class that provides a more strategic playstyle by allowing players to customize and command an army of undead summons.


While the Rogue offers advantages in terms of speed, the Necromancer's ability to summon according to their playstyle adds depth and variety to combat. The Necromancer is also more self-reliant and can take on enemies solo as well with the right build.


Ultimately, the choice between these two classes comes down to you. Players who prefer a dynamic and adaptable approach to combat may find the Rogue more suitable, while those who enjoy commanding an army of minions may prefer the Necromancer. We believe that the Necromancer is a stronger choice compared to the Rogue, as it possesses the ability to overwhelm enemies through various methods. This is simply our recommendation, and in the end, the choice between the two classes should be based on personal preference and playstyle.


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