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An Honest Reply to An Archeage Gold Buyer Who Thought the Gold We Have Traded to Him Was Intercepted by GM

By John Ryan
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Dear Kyle and Bob:

(Kyle bought archeage gold from us, who said he did not receive the gold in 2 days after we traded to him, then asked a compensation. Bob is kyle’s friend, one of our loyal customers, who introduced us to Kyle also he introduced us to his other friends. Bob is helping Kyle to ask compensation. )

Mmogah is the most trustworthy site to buy cheap archeage gold

This is the manager of First of all, thank you so much for choosing us to buy archeage gold and being our loyal customers and introducing our service to your friends. Thank you for your trust and support.

I have read the all conversations, and know well about what happened on you. I apologize for I did not chat with you on live chat when you were on, because I was so busy when I just came to work, needed to deal with a lot of things at that time and I need take time to find out what is happening currently in the game archeage.

Today, I checked the news and posts on Google and archeage froum, haven’t found any current information about GM removing gold or GM intercepting gold as you said. You can search “archeage gold disappeared”, “GM intercepted archeage gold” or some words you think more accurate, you will find the last news or posts about this kind of issue which happened on October 22th same as the link you sent us. By the way we did compensate 1720G to one of our loyal customers to comfort him. Please read the news on An explanation to an archeage gold buyer about trouble with Mmogah to learn more about us, even though it was not our obligation that Trion removed huge illicit gold from large quantities of players. From this case, I think, you can see our responsibility and service to our customers.

Let’s now talk about your issue about your archeage gold disappeared after we have delivered to you (You have checked the screenshots, you agreed it). Obviously GM removing gold or intercepting gold is not extensively happening currently. Your issue does not belong to the above case. Therefore it’s most likely to be one of the following 4 reasons (If you can find more reasons, you can tell me):

1.         You remembered wrongly your previous gold, so you thought mistakenly you did not get the 1020 gold (1000 gold plus 20 bonus) we have traded you. --- This probably happened, since anyone could make some mistakes sometimes, and the order was placed and completed 2 days ago, the issue was not just happened before you contacted us. You might remember wrongly due to time span. 

2.         GM did intercept the gold. --- According to the information about this we can find now, the probability is way too low, however we admit that it might happen in this virtual industry according to our 10 years’ experience.

3.         You lied. --- In the beginning you forgot you had received the last 1000 gold, you were confused by the 2 1000 gold orders. After we showed you the all screenshots for these 2 times transactions, you did not have the courage to admit your fault.

4.         Your gold got hacked after you received it. --- According to what you described, it is not the case, but I feel it can not be excluded simply.

In theory, we should not responsible for the disappeared 1000 gold in your eyes caused by any one of above reasons, because we did have completed the whole transaction that we should do for your order. However we are responsible for satisfaction and happiness of our customers. We wish all of you could be happy with our service. So after you read the letter, please recall the whole thing to see if something wrong with your memory. If you do think that is GM intercepted or removed the gold (By far, it really did not happen to all of our other customers since Oct. 22th). We would step further to make you satisfied with our service. Please mail me at [email protected] to tell me your mind. I will reach out to you after I read your reply when I am here tomorrow.

It’s time to go home and go to bed for me. I wish I would have sweet dreams tonight. Same to both of you, and have a good one.


Best Regards
Meihong Zhang


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