
How to Level Up Quickly in Dark and Darker

By Penny
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Leveling up in Dark and Darker is an important aspect of the game, as it allows you to unlock more skills, perks, and gear that can enhance your performance and survival. Leveling up can also give you an edge over other players or enemies, as higher levels mean higher stats and abilities. So how to level up efficiently in Dark and Darker?


level up quickly in Dark and Darker


Kill Enemies

The main way to level up in Dark and Darker is to kill enemies, both NPC and player. You will gain experience points for every enemy you kill, depending on their level and type. You will also gain bonus experience points for killing enemies in stealth mode, with backstab attacks, or with critical hits. You can use your map to find rooms that have enemies or other players and use your stealth mode and smoke bomb skill to hide or ambush them. You can also use your rupture and weakpoint attack skills to apply debuffs and deal extra damage.


However, if you are playing in a team, you need to know that XP is not shared between players. Only the player who lands the last hit on an enemy will get the XP. So, if you want to level up faster, you need to make sure you get the last hit as often as possible.


Play Solo in the Goblin Caves: If you are confident in your skills and gear, you can try playing solo in the Goblin Caves, which is a special dungeon that has only goblin enemies. Goblins are easy to kill and give decent XP, especially if you use backstab attacks or critical hits. You can also loot chests, shelves, barrels, and other objects that give XP and items.


Chests, Shelves and Barrels

You can also loot chests, shelves, barrels, and other objects to level up. You will gain experience points for every object you loot, depending on the rarity and value of the item. You will also gain Dark and Darker gold coins and items that you can use or sell at the trading post. You can use your map to find rooms that have lootable objects and use your detect skill to reveal hidden objects. You can also use your gaols to capture enemies or other players and ransom them for gold.


Use Portals

Another way to level up in Dark and Darker is to use portals, both red and blue. You will gain experience points for every portal you activate, depending on the color and the floor. Red portals will take you deeper into the dungeon, where you will face stronger enemies and better loot. Blue portals will take you out of the dungeon, where you will keep your loot and escape safely. You can use your map to find rooms that have portals, and use your translocator to warp to any room once per run. You can also use your segments to enter different types of sheol with different rewards.


Blue: escaping the dungeon using the blue portal can earn you XP. You will gain XP for every item you escape with, depending on the rarity and value of the item. Use your map to find rooms that have blue portals, and use your stealth mode and smoke bomb skill to avoid or distract enemies or other players. You can also use your Nyame gear for powerful stats and abilities.


Red: if you are feeling adventurous and want to challenge yourself, you can use red portals to go deeper into the dungeon. You will gain more XP for killing enemies and using portals on lower floors, but you will also face more risks and dangers. Likewise, use your map to find rooms with red portals, and use your translocator to warp to any room once per run.

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