
Publié 15Rejoint par - ESO Arcanist Class – Everything You Need to KnowFellow ESO players, it's time to welcome one of the most thrilling and exciting additions to The Elder Scrolls Online – the Arcanist class! As of today, it's been about four years since Zenimax Online Studios last introduced a new character class with the release of the Elsweyr Chapter, and as such, the Arcanist is more than just a breath of fresh air.Par aeebee
- Tips for Quickly Leveling Up Jewelry Crafting in ESOIn The Elder Scrolls Online, if you are looking to take your experience up to the next level, mastering the art of Jewelry Crafting and quickly leveling it up is a must. However, leveling up Jewelry Crafting skills requires a lot of grinding. But, if you are willing to put in the effort, the rewards are worth it. This guide provides everything you need to know to get started with Jewelry Crafting efficiently.Par aeebee
- 5 Best Potions for PvP in ESODo you want to become the ultimate PvP player in The Elder Scrolls Online? With the help of these five best PvP potions, you can now unleash your full potential on the battlefield! From increased weapon damage to impenetrable defense, these potions will give you the edge you need to come out on top.Par aeebee
- Everything You Need to Know about Houses in ESODue to its massive popularity, the world of The Elder Scrolls Online has continued to expand ever since it first came out in 2014. As of today, the continent of Tamriel is one big gigantic, and immersive space, offering players various aspects of gameplay. And one such aspect which has caught the attention of thousands of players is the ability to own houses in ESO.Par aeebee
- The Ultimate Guide to ESO WerewolfLycanthropy, the key to becoming a Werewolf in The Elder Scrolls Online, opens up many new unparalleled abilities. In particular, your attack power, Stamina recovery, and movement speed are greatly increased. At the same time, although you gain a host of all-new powers, you also develop certain vulnerabilities.Par aeebee
- ESO Scribes of Fate DLC and Update 37 ExplainedAttention all ESO players! This March, The Elder Scrolls Online is about to get even bigger and more exciting as the year's first DLC and Update 37 are just around the corner. Now is the time to sharpen your swords and lace up your boots to prepare for the upcoming Shadow Over Morrowind year-long adventure.Par aeebee