
The Death Knight in World of Warcraft

By John Ryan2016-01-13

As a wower, if a new WoW mount cannot draw your attention, a good and new class always gives you new visual impact. After the death knight class appears in the WoW, many players will be attracted by its looks and skills.


The background of death knight

The death knight is the first new class of World of Warcraft game launches. The death knights are the justice of human soldiers, paladins, or honest orcs in Draenor world. They accept the summoning of the dark, give up the glory of the past and betray their souls. And they get the eternal power. The version of wrath of the lich king officially joins the alliance and horde groups and it is against the lich king. Thus the Death Knight is transferred controlled character for players.


The original death knights were created for Orgrim Doomhammer by Gul'dan. The death knights were as powerful soldiers of the Horde. The souls of the slain warlocks of the Shadow Council created these death knights. And the first death knight was Teron Gorefiend.


Modern death knights are cruel devil. They are not firm warriors in the battlebut they are insidious necromancers who own superior intellect and huge magical power. They often use terrible strategies and revive the corpses of enemy soldiers. Their death knight roles include: blood presence, unholy presence, frost presence. Death Knight can use a unique power.


The class skills:

1. The death knight starts level 55 level.

2. Each account of each server can only have one death knight.

3. Every race can choose the death knight class.

4. Players can know the background and narration of the death knight class through a series of tasks after the death knight is created.

5. The death knight uses the rune system in the battle.

6. Three different runes: unholy, frost, blood.

7. These runes can make the death knights’ spells and skills to work. Different spells need to use up different runes combination.

8. Depleted runes will recover automatically after a period. This is like bandits’ energy.

9. The death knight can combine six different type runes.

10. The death knight will get resources after use runes skills.

11. Certain skills of the death knight need to deplete all available rune power. And the power’s value is different for the rune power is depleted.

12. If players don't use rune power, it will decline with time uses up. It is similar to the anger of soldier system.

13. The death knight can be as tanks or melee damage output.

14. The death knight has three different runes which can provide the death knight different positive effect. And the death knights can be qualified for different roles in the battle.

15. The death knight can summon departed warriors to help them for the battle.

16. The death knight not only can use the sword, but also they can use the axe and the hammer. But the death knight can't use the shield.

17. The death knight can use two-handed weapons. But the number of runes can't be changed.


After all is said, are you moved by the class of the death knight? Come to the best site and buy wow gold(wow gold kaufen) and have a try for the death knight which provides real experience.


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