
Wrath Classic Guide - Top 10 Best Addons You Can Have

By Hasi2022-11-07

To take down the Lick king, this is the perfect time to go to the Northrend because the scourge is here. This journey is very dangerous, so you will need some help, and addons can be of great use. Addons are thirty-part tools that modify the Wrath of the Lich King world. These changes can be cosmetic, but they surely elevate the gameplay experience. Below are some common functions of addons.


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Make the interface look better

Optimize both leveling and questing experience

Help players in dealing with bosses of buffed raids and dungeons

Fix many small problems that are neglected by developers


Many different addons are available for the game, and you will get confused if you explore them on your own. For this purpose, here are the ten best addons that you can install in WOTLK. But before we move to the list, you can install these addons with the help of this guide.


How to Install Addons in WotLK Classic?

If this is your first time using addons, chances are that you won’t have any idea how you can install them. Well, the process is very easy, and you can use any addon manager to do so. Once you download and install the addon manager, it is time to download the desired addons.


You can install these addons from the manager and enjoy them.

1. Questie

Questie will come in handy as one of the best Classic WotLK addons, no matter what you want to do in the game. The biggest benefit of Questie is that it makes the gameplay very easy and understandable, even for beginners. Many people misunderstand it as a quest addon which isn’t the case at all because it adds many tips to the game so you can kill the best monsters to complete the mission; however, you can use third-party services of Classic WotLK for boosting accounts.


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You can track the progress of the ongoing quest with this addon. You can use the option to automatically accept quests and submit them after completion. It features map overlays to help players. It comes in handy in leveling up your character as well as in completing daily missions for Classic WotLK gold. You can view the name of the quest along with its current status and take the quest from the mini window.


2. Auctionator

No matter whether you love or hate the auction house in WOTLK Classic, chances are that you will need to use it at some point in the game. You may need an important item or want to spend the extra gold that you have with yourself. In the previous updates of the game, the auction house wasn’t one of the most loved places at all, but this has changed with the Auctionator addon. It completely overhauls the user interface of the auction house and solves various other issues as well.


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Due to these overhauls, you can now effortlessly find the desired item in a few clicks. For those who sell items in the auction house to earn a living, this addon is necessary. You can easily search for many as many items as you want at the same time by applying filters. Want to sell your items for gold at the auction house? Create and manage multiple lists at the same time with this addon to ensure the best price for your items.


3. Details

During a fight, you need to see the necessary data, such as your damage output, to adjust your attacks accordingly. In other scenarios, you may want to learn about your mistakes and why you died in the last battle so you can avoid them next time. For damage dealers, the details addon is very helpful as it features a built-in threat meter.


Consider this addon as a log where you can view all the necessary information about each battle. You can learn about your heals, blocks, and other combat stats. The game already featured a KTM meter, but it was really outdated and needed an upgrade. The details quest is that upgrade.


4. Deadly Boss Mods

The deadly boss addon is a must-have for your survival in the world of Warcraft. It is also called DBM and features the ability to show warning signs when you are near any boss on the world map. It also features ability timers so you know when the ability will be available again. Even after more than ten years since the launch of this addon, it is still loved by thousands of players.


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When you are fighting against enemy bosses, the addon will make your character shout out when you get hit by certain abilities. This way, you know when to counter those high damage-dealing abilities of the boss to stay alive. The big wigs addon is the same as the deadly boss mod in terms of options, but its functionalities are different. Besides, a few abilities are added in expansion packs, including Game IconTrade Engineering and Game IconInv Trinket Naxxramas03.


5. Atlas

WotLK Classic features a massive world, and navigating through it to reach your destination is very hard for the most part. The atlas addon works just like the real-world atlas and helps beginners in navigating. Unlike the in-game map, this addon features many different maps, each for a different section or a situation. More addons for the same category are available, and their name specifies their usage.


The most common atlas map that players use in WOTLK is the dungeon map, which shows information about all the best dungeons. Here’s a guide to help you overcome three dungeons. Below are some of the best plugins of the atlas addon that you can use for further navigation. You can download these modules to get further details about crafting new items, along with the exact location of all the required items on the map.


Atlas Burning Crusade

Atlas Classic WoW

Atlas Wrath of the Lich King

Atlas Dungeon Locations

Atlas Transportation


6. ElvUI

If you are sick of the current user interface in Wrath of the Lich King, the ElvUI addon is here to save the day. It replaces the old and outdated icons and artwork of the user interface with a new interface. Although you have to do a bit extra to install this addon, it is still worth the effort.


If you don’t find ElvUI anywhere on the internet, there is no need to waste your time, as there are some good alternatives to it. Most of these addons only replace a thing or two, but they are better than nothing.


Bagnon – This shows all the available items in the same window, and you can search for items by typing their names

Threat Plates – Features nameplates

Dominos – Enhances the action bars on the interface

SexyMap – Features a new and updated mini-map with new options

Shadowed Unit Frames – This addon unit the frame for better performance


7. WeakAuras

The WeakAuras completes the list of best addons because of all the extra modules that it features. It shows the code behind everything on your screen. You can customize things according to your needs with this code. It features an extensive collection of auras that are created by the WOTLK community, and you can use them for your benefit.


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After finding the desired aura from the list, the next step is to copy the import strongly and paste it into the chat box. This addon shows all the available auras according to their mana, power, health, soul shards, rage, runes, items, totems, combat events, and skill cooldowns.


You can also view the exact duration of each aura to use them at the right time and have an aura or two readies as a backup. The WeakAuras addon features some extensions for added functionalities.


WeakAuras Companion - You can add any missing link in the addon to automatically update the auras from time to time.

WeakAuras_StopMotion - It adds the stop motion animation to the game. With the stop Motion textures, you can view each frame of an animation in the form of a separate picture for a better experience. It features a large number of colorful animations as well as also supports custom textures.

SharedMedia - It adds more bar textures.

SharedMediaAdditionalFonts - It features more fonts.

ColorPickerPlus - It is the better version of the original color picker in WOTLK Classic. You can copy the desired color and paste it anywhere, as well as create your color using templates.


8. ItemRack

With the dual specialization option in Wrath of the Lich King, you can manage two different classes at the same time and swap between them whenever you want. This comes in handy in dealing with high-level bosses, as you have multiple options. The process of swapping characters isn’t easy at all because you have to manually swap all the gears as well.


To avoid this, you can use the ItemRack addon. You can swap between gears with a few clicks in the inventory section. You will save a lot of time and fight more enemies. You can recreate many sets of gears and switch between them, just like the characters.


9. Omen Threat Meter

Omen Threat Meter overhauls the existing threat mechanic of the WOTLK. The main function of this mechanic is to check which of your teammate is being attacked by the monster. The current version of the game and user interface doesn’t show the threat meter all the time, and this Omen Threat Meter addon is a great alternative.


You can help your teammates in a difficult situation with this addon. It features the option to help you choose the sound for each attack notification so you can distinguish between them and act accordingly.


In WOTLK, enemies check the abilities of each player to decide who they will attack, and the Omen Threat Meter addon uses the same principle. It shows the exact threat value of all your teammates. You should keep all the players who have more threat value in the back to save them from enemies.


10. Speedy AutoLoot

Speedy Autoloot comes in handy in your journey to level eighty in Wrath. The journey is quite long, and you will be looting hundreds of enemies during this journey. Manually searching each enemy for loot is not feasible, so the Speedy AutoLoot addon kicks in to save you from the hassle.


In terms of functionalities, the Speedy AutoLoot is very basic, but it gets the job done. This addon helps you in managing the inventory. It automatically loots all the available items and adds them to the bag. The loot window is hidden for a better experience, even when the auto looting is going on in the back. When you install this addon, the auto-loot option is enabled for all the available characters, and you have to manually turn it off according to your needs.


To make you aware that the inventory is full and the auto-loot option is disabled, it plays a sound, and you can change this sound.  




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