
PoE 3.23: How to Make More Currency and be Stronger

By Nancy G2023-12-22

To make more PoE currency and become stronger in early mapping in Path of Exile (PoE) version 3.23, you can follow these strategies:


poe 3.23 make currency pic 


1. Efficient Mapping:

Start with maps that are easy to clean and have a layout that suits your build.

Complete every map on your Atlas for the bonus. This increases your chance of finding higher-tier maps.


2. Trade Smartly:

Use trade websites like poe.trade or the official Path of Exile trade site to sell valuable items.

Price check items before selling to ensure you get their true value.


3. Focus on Crafting:

Learn basic crafting to improve your gear or create items for sale.

Use crafting benches in your hideout to add valuable mods to gear.


4. Complete Challenges and Encounters:

Engage in league-specific mechanics, which often offer valuable rewards.

Complete challenges for extra rewards and sell them if they are tradeable.


5. Group Play:

Playing in a group can increase the quantity of loot, although it's split among players.

Specialize in roles, e.g. One player focuses on clearing while another is picking up loot.


6. Optimize Your Build:

Prioritize build efficiency – a faster clearing build often equates to more loot.

Invest in key items that boost your build's performance.


7. Use Currency Wisely:

Save your chaos orbs and divine orbs for significant upgrades.

Use smaller currencies for crafting or trade them up.


8. Farm Specific Areas or Bosses:

Some maps or bosses are known for dropping valuable items.

Research that is profitable and focuses on them.


9. Loot Filter Adjustment:

Customize your loot filter to highlight valuable and useful items.

Use a strict filter to avoid clutter and focus on high-value loot.


10. Stay Updated:

Follow Path of Exile forums, Reddit, and community guides for the latest profitable strategies.

Adapt your strategy based on the current meta and league mechanics.


Remember, Path of Exile is constantly evolving, so it's crucial to stay informed about the latest updates and changes to the game.

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