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New World Legacy of Crassus Event Guide (2024)

By Jessie2024-01-10

The "Legacy of Crassus" event in New World, held from January 10 to January 23, 2024, was an engaging and challenging in-game event that brought the lore of Roman tyranny into the mystical world of Aeternum. Here's a detailed guide to help players navigate and make the most of this event.

New World Legacy of Crassus Event

Background and Lore

The Centurions Turned Cyclopses: The event centers around Lucanus and Decimus, former centurions under General Crassus, transformed into corrupted cyclopses by the Curse of Medusa and the Corruption's influence. These mythic monsters, driven by their last command from Crassus, posed a significant threat to players.

Event Mechanics and Boss Locations

Boss Locations: The world bosses, Lucanus and Decimus, could be found in various regions, including Brightwood, Weavers Fen, Mourningdale, Ebonscale Reach, and Edengrove.

Boss Strength: They were level 70 bosses, requiring players to strategize effectively to combat them.

Rewards System

Event-Specific Rewards: To qualify for specific rewards, players needed to inflict a minimum of 1000 damage to the bosses. Rewards included Cyclops Statuettes, the 19th Legion Pickaxe, Lucanus weapons, and Decimus armor. Significantly, players could also earn New World Coins.

Daily Bonus Rewards: Each day, players could earn a special cache containing various event-specific items for defeating the world bosses. These included a Cyclops Lucanus Statuette, Cyclops Decimus Statuette, and various weapons and armors. Players were guaranteed every listed reward after defeating the bosses 12 times, with the rewards resetting daily at 5 AM local time.

Standard Rewards: In addition to event-specific rewards, each victory over the bosses yielded standard rewards. These included a random weapon or armor piece at the player's level, or a special Named item from Brimstone Sands or greater Aeternum, along with consumables appropriate for the player's level.

Gameplay Strategy

Team Coordination: Given the strength and level of the bosses, coordination and teamwork were essential. Players needed to form well-balanced teams to take on the challenges effectively.

Damage Requirement: Since rewards depended on dealing at least 1000 damage, players had to ensure they were actively contributing to the fight to qualify for the rewards.

Event Significance

Lore Expansion: The event expanded the lore of "New World," adding depth to the narrative with the story of Lucanus and Decimus, and their transformation and allegiance to General Crassus.

Community Engagement: Events like "Legacy of Crassus" are critical for community engagement, offering unique challenges and encouraging players to collaborate and strategize together.


The "Legacy of Crassus" event in "New World" was more than just an opportunity to earn exclusive rewards; it was a chance for players to immerse themselves deeper into the game's lore and work together to overcome formidable foes. The event showcased the dynamic and evolving world of Aeternum, keeping the gaming experience fresh and exciting. If you want to learn more about New World, you can check out the News page of MmoGah New World!
