How to Upgrade Players Fast in NBA 2K18

By Michel Z Tue Oct 10 2017 16:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

In NBA 2K18, upgrading your player is extremely important, if you are wanting to get your character to the elusive 99 rating, MmoGah will share with you the fastest way to upgrade your attributes in NBA 2K18.



The first way to upgrade attributes is to spend VC on them, you can earn VC through completing matches in the game or purchase them with real money.


MmoGah as a professional NBA 2K MT coins site, provides safe, fast and cheap NBA 2K18 MT for you. Prices start at $7.74/20K for PS4, Xbox ONE: $8.91/15K, and PC: $9.27/80K. With over 10 years of excellence, we have served thousands of customers. If you are hesitating where to buy MT, MmoGah will be a good choice. Should you need anything else on NBA 2K18, for example Best Builds and Archetypes in NBA 2K18 or How to Unlock Ankle Breaker Badge, make sure to head over to our NBA 2K news page

Once you have VC to spend, you press the Triangle button (Y on Xbox One) to select the gold attributes option in the middle of the menu. Now press UP on your d-pad to access the attributes page and upgrade them according to your requirement. 

The second way is to do some drills over at the training facility. You can do three drills between each game in NBA 2K18, and it can be used to increase your progress for a certain badge along with your OVR rating. There are badges for different skills such as screening, rebounding and many others so choose wisely what you want to upgrade.

Lastly, there is a short term option to give you a boost for a shot game. You can go to the Gatorade fueling center where you can purchase one-time consumable items whose effects will be enabled in the next game, but once the match is over, their effects will be, too.

Keep checking back for more NBA 2K MT coins information, including the latest NBA 2K18 news, guides and tutorial.


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