
NBA 2K18 Tips: How to Earn VC Fast after Patch 1.04

By Michel Z2017-10-16

How to earn VC fast in NBA 2K18 is a hot-button topic since the game was released especially after the patch 1.04. For those fans who are looking for the best ways to earn VC without dipping into their wallets, MmoGah shares with you some good ways to earn VC after the patch. 



Firstly, there are three efficient and dependable ways to earn VC without playing an actual game.

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1. MyLeague Simcast Live Every Day Keeps VC Coming Your Way 



MyLeague is one of the most lucrative modes in the game. You can earn close to 1,000 VC per contest by actually playing games. You can also earn VC more efficiently and quickly when you simulating a game in this mode. 

You start a MyLeague with any team and change the quarter length to the maximum 12 minutes. The difficulty setting doesn't matter. Go to the in-mode calendar and simulate a game using Simcast Live. Make sure you turn the sim speed up to 6X.

No matter whether you participate in the simulation or not, you'll still earn 400 VC for every game. It doesn't even matter if your team wins or loses.

You can simply start a MyLeague game each morning, afternoon or evening before you leave for the day. You don’t need to press any bottons to complete the simulation. So when you return, you'll have earned your VC. You can repeat the process before you go to bed. You could earn at least 800 VC every day easily in this way. All you need to do is set it to go into sleep mode after being idle for 2 hours. The simulation doesn't take that long to complete. If you're at home but just can't get on the sticks at the time, you can potentially sim through a number of games earning 400 VC each time. If you complete an entire MyLeague season using this strategy, you will earn yourself 24,600 VC.


2. The MyNBA 2K18 App Will Show You The Fake Money

This is good method to earn VC that we have mentioned before. The application practically gives you VC for simply logging on. There are also some prediction games based on the real NBA that you can play, and those carry more VC earning options. You are possibly earning as much as 1,000 VC per day.


3. Answering 2KTV Questions Brings Virtual Prosperity

The show runs once a week, each of those the episodes gives gamers an opportunity to earn VC for answering questions and participating in polls. You could earn close to 400 VC from it.


If you use all three of the methods above, you will earn 13,000 VC per week without playing a single game. That's not even counting what you can earn from picking up the controller and actually playing any of the VC-earning modes.


Earn VC Through Endorsements

We also have mentioned in the previous article that you should take advantage of the endorsements because they will offer up different amounts of VC. DominusIV shows you how he earn VC by doing endorsements.


2K has patched many VC glitches. According to Youtuber Drex Tv, now you can earn VC by tweaking a couple of settings then go ahead to PLAY NOW games. You go to the OPTIONS/FEATURES, change the Game Style to Hall OF Fame, and Ball Security to 20. Then you go to the Settings, change the Game Difficulty to Hall Of Fame, Quarter Length to 2 minutes, and Game Speed to 100.

The video below details how to earn VC in this method.


Keep checking back for more NBA 2K MT coins information, including the latest NBA 2K18 news, guides and tutorial.




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